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Uploaded image for project: 'HipChat'
  1. HipChat
  2. HCPUB-1959

Users no longer able to change their profile picture when "Can users edit their own profiles?" setting is turned off

This issue belongs to an archived project. You can view it, but you can't modify it. Learn more

    • Severity 3 - Minor


      Users no longer able to change their profile picture when "Can users edit their own profiles?" setting is turned off 


      • HipChat Server v2.0.6
      • HipChat Server v2.1.3
      • HipChat Server v2.2
      • HipChat Server v2.2.1
      • HipChat Server v2.2.2


      Steps to reproduce

      1. Get admin to turn off "Can users edit their own profiles?" setting from Group admin > Features by selecting "No"
      2. Get user to try upload a new profile picture or change their job title

      Expected Result

      New profile picture is uploaded successfully and user able to change the profile picture and / or job title.

      Actual Result

      The attempt to change profile picture resulted in this error:


      • User would be able to change profile picture once "Can users edit their own profiles?" setting from Group admin > Features is turned back on
      • The same scenario wasn't observed on HCS v1.4.3 and earlier

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'HipChat'
            1. HipChat
            2. HCPUB-1959

            Users no longer able to change their profile picture when "Can users edit their own profiles?" setting is turned off

            This issue belongs to an archived project. You can view it, but you can't modify it. Learn more

              • Severity 3 - Minor


                Users no longer able to change their profile picture when "Can users edit their own profiles?" setting is turned off 


                • HipChat Server v2.0.6
                • HipChat Server v2.1.3
                • HipChat Server v2.2
                • HipChat Server v2.2.1
                • HipChat Server v2.2.2


                Steps to reproduce

                1. Get admin to turn off "Can users edit their own profiles?" setting from Group admin > Features by selecting "No"
                2. Get user to try upload a new profile picture or change their job title

                Expected Result

                New profile picture is uploaded successfully and user able to change the profile picture and / or job title.

                Actual Result

                The attempt to change profile picture resulted in this error:


                • User would be able to change profile picture once "Can users edit their own profiles?" setting from Group admin > Features is turned back on
                • The same scenario wasn't observed on HCS v1.4.3 and earlier

                        azelenko Avinoam
                        hsuhailah Hanis Suhailah (Inactive)
                        mandreacchio Michael Andreacchio


                            azelenko Avinoam
                            hsuhailah Hanis Suhailah (Inactive)
                            mandreacchio Michael Andreacchio
