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  1. Atlassian Ecosystem
  2. ECO-63

Default Global Permission may not be created when a Connect App is installed


    • Severity 2 - Major
    • 1

      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on Data Center: no

      Connect Apps can optionally configure default Global Permissions. These permissions should be created in Jira only on the first installation of the connect app. 

      However, under some circumstances we are still working to identify, the call to set the default grants for some apps is performed during the provisioning of a site (without actually creating any permission).

      Because of this, if one of the apps for which the call was performed during provisioning is installed on the site, the permissions will not be added to Jira on installation causing the Connect App to not function as expected.

      Steps to Reproduce

      The issue does not reproduce consistently (as described above). However, the steps to reproduce would be:

      1. Install a Connect app that has the Global Permission Module set to "defaultGrants": ["all"] in the app descriptor
      2. After the app is installed check if the Global Permissions have been correctly applied

      Expected Results

      Configured default Global Permissions should be written to the Jira database and be available to the Connect app. 

      Actual Results

      The permissions are not written and the Connect app may not function as expected.


      • The Connect App vendor may document the required global permissions that can be manually created in Jira Cloud Global Permissions by the site administrator.
      • The site administrator can contact Atlassian support if they need assistance doing so: https://support.atlassian.com/contact/

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ajereley@atlassian.com Anthony Jereley
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