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  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-2854

Mixed case with LDAP, couldn't synchronize users and groups


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 2.5.1
    • 2.4
    • None


       11:22:42,426 QuartzWorker-1 WARN ServiceRunner [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteChangeOperations] remote username [ KaaaE ] casing differs from local username [ kaaae ]. User details will be kept updated, but the username cannot be updated
       11:22:42,426 QuartzWorker-1 WARN ServiceRunner [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteChangeOperations] remote username [ NPtest ] casing differs from local username [ nptest ]. User details will be kept updated, but the username cannot be updated
       11:22:42,426 QuartzWorker-1 WARN ServiceRunner [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteChangeOperations] remote username [ PRconf ] casing differs from local username [ prconf ]. User details will be kept updated, but the username cannot be updated
       11:22:42,427 QuartzWorker-1 WARN ServiceRunner [atlassian.crowd.directory.DbCachingRemoteChangeOperations] remote username [ RaSh ] casing

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1) Create a Crowd internal directory
      2) Create a user in that directory named 'dbtte'
      3) Add that user to the 'jira-users' group
      4) Confirm that that user can log in to JIRA, assign them some issues, etc
      5) Connect Crowd to an LDAP directory as a delegated auth directory
      6) Create a user 'DBtte' in LDAP
      7) Authenticate as the LDAP user via JIRA/Crowd
      8) Create a 'jira-users' group for the LDAP directory
      9) Add the 'DBtte' LDAP user to 'jira-users'
      10) Delete the 'dbtte' internal user
      11) Attempt to log in to Crowd

      Other steps to reproduce (Crowd Internal Directory only)

      1. Create a user in Crowd which will be available to the Confluence application using the following details
        • Email Address: CamelCaseTC1@test.test
        • Active: Checked
        • Username: CamelCaseTC1
        • FirstName: CamelCaseTC1
        • LastName: CamelCaseTC1
        • Groups: Group1, Group2, Group3
      2. Within Confluence, force a Crowd Directory Sync & confirm that the user exists with the correct group memberships
      3. Back in Crowd, delete the previous user
      4. Create a user in Crowd which will be available to the Confluence application using the following details, but with the username.tolower() & an additional group membership
        • Email Address: CamelCaseTC1@test.test
        • Active: Checked
        • Username: camelcasetc1
        • FirstName: CamelCaseTC1
        • LastName: CamelCaseTC1
        • Groups: Group1, Group2, Group3, Group4
      5. Within Confluence, force a Crowd Directory Sync (or two) & wait for the hibernate SQL exception to appear


      1. Set all users and groups that experience this issue back to the original casing, specified in 'local username' or 'local groupname'.
      2. Disable the directory by unticking 'Active'. Create a new directory, copying the settings of the existing directory, and sync that. When you're satisfied that everything has come across correctly and you will not be missing any users/groups/memberships, remove the old directory.

            ahempel Adrian Hempel [Atlassian]
            wzanchet William Zanchet (Inactive)
            2 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
