Uploaded image for project: 'Crucible'
  1. Crucible
  2. CRUC-4518

Crucible regularly hangs and is very slow


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Crucible often hangs or is very slow for many users. This seems to occur when there is review creation activity happening. we have > 600 users and the larger teams are experiencing slow crucible response times. In general, the feedback has been its slow (most) to unusable (some.).

      we restart crucible with a nighly crontab.

      • It causes JIRA issue views to time out (apache proxy times out) when the "Unreviewed Code Condition" is active for example.
      • Timeouts in JIRA issues (when viewsing source or review tab)
      • Timeouts showing changsets in the project vew

        1. screenshot-1.jpg
          51 kB
        2. recentJstaks.tar.gz
          620 kB
        3. jstacks.tar
          7.55 MB
        4. jsstack-jan23-2010.txt
          408 kB
        5. fisheye.jstack.11172010
          239 kB
        6. fisheye.jstack
          369 kB
        7. fisheye.jar
          6.54 MB
        8. CrucibleUnresponsiveOnRevisionCreation.txt
          235 kB

              pswiecicki Piotr Swiecicki
              ba6439a9b329 Trevor Samaroo
              24 Vote for this issue
              35 Start watching this issue


                  Original Estimate - Not Specified
                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - Not Specified
                  Not Specified
                  Time Spent - 5h 13m
                  5h 13m