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    • 13
    • 17
    • We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.


      There is interesting thread at http://forums.atlassian.com/thread.jspa?threadID=11768&tstart=0 where Mike Corn has suggested a feature in confluence by which we can restrict the attachment quota.

      Users has tendency to put everything (including big powerpoint presentations, pdfs, executable) as part of wiki attachments. And many times it's seen that those attachments are not removed and they stay there forever; putting lots of work on bakup process. In order to prevent this problem; right now we have lowered the attachment size limit (2MB) and asked user to use file storage for any bigger attachments.

      I guess having inbuilt control on space quota (so that users can't add any new data till some unused get removed) will be good way to restrict/remove unwanted stuff lying there forever!


            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

              • 13
              • 17
              • We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

                NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.


                There is interesting thread at http://forums.atlassian.com/thread.jspa?threadID=11768&tstart=0 where Mike Corn has suggested a feature in confluence by which we can restrict the attachment quota.

                Users has tendency to put everything (including big powerpoint presentations, pdfs, executable) as part of wiki attachments. And many times it's seen that those attachments are not removed and they stay there forever; putting lots of work on bakup process. In order to prevent this problem; right now we have lowered the attachment size limit (2MB) and asked user to use file storage for any bigger attachments.

                I guess having inbuilt control on space quota (so that users can't add any new data till some unused get removed) will be good way to restrict/remove unwanted stuff lying there forever!


                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        4702f3ba2d60 Rajendra Kadam
                        175 Vote for this issue
                        101 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            4702f3ba2d60 Rajendra Kadam
                            175 Vote for this issue
                            101 Start watching this issue
