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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-5595

Basic forum functionality


    • 8
    • We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      While advanced forum functionality is best served by integrating with Jive, it would be possible to adapt Confluence to provide light-weight forum functionality by being able to designate a space as being a forum. In a forum space, pages become threads, with the page being the thread's first post, and all subsequent posts being comments.

      1. Provide a forum-like theme for displaying pages and comments. Comments will need to be paged.
      2. Allow the editing of comments - CONF-830
      3. Default to creator-only page-level edit permissions
      4. Provide a way to navigate through threads chronologically
      5. Provide a system label to mark threads as "sticky"
      6. "notify me automatically on pages I've contributed to"
      7. Last modified date of a page becomes the latest of the page's last modified date, and those of all its comments.
      Atlassian Status as of 27/07/2010

      Thank you for all your feedback on this issue. After careful thought and analysis, we wish to advise that we will not be implementing any form of forum functionality in Confluence. Strategically, we don't see this as core to the collaborative wiki experience and believe there are other core features we must focus on.

      Adaptavist does have the Community Bubbles Plugin for Confluence, which provides basic forum functionality for free. We encourage customers who are looking for this type of functionality to try the plugin, or alternatively, reach out to one of our partners for assistance with custom plugin development.

            smansour Sherif Mansour
            cmiller@atlassian.com Charles Miller
            67 Vote for this issue
            36 Start watching this issue
