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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-54554

Many translations to Japanese are garbled


      Summary of Issue

      Many translations in the latest language pack are garbled. We also found that such strings are garbled on translations.atlassian.com as well.

      As far as we noticed, 178 Japanese translations are garbled at lesat and all of them contains one of the representative garbled characters "ã". ("ã" is never used as a Japanese character.)
      The following query returns the list of the affected translations.
      https://translations.atlassian.com/dashboard/translate#/0/0/All Groups/ALL/%C3%A3


      Followings are the detail of affected version.

      • 121 translations that are translated on 26 and 27 October 2017
        affect the Confluence 6.5.x and later.
      • 57 translations that are translated on 20 and 27 and 28 November 2017
        affect the Confluence 6.6.x and later.

      How to reproduce

      Please note this is just one example of the 178 translations mentioned above.

      1. Install Confluence 6.6.0 that holds Japanese language pack version 6.6.0.m28-v2r28314-2017-11-28.
      2. Login to the Confluence.
      3. Change the language setting to non-english. (In this example, to Japanese)
      4. Mouse-over the quick search.

      Expected Result

      It shows "クイック検索 / または g, g".

      Actual Result


      • This can affect JIRA Core, Stash, Bitbucket as well since some translations are shared.
      • This is applicable to the other non-english language as well as Japanese.
        Following is a result of the same search above in Chinese.

        1. after.png
          60 kB
          Yuki Okamoto
        2. before.png
          61 kB
          Yuki Okamoto
        3. Confluence-6.4.0-rc2-language-pack-ja_JP.jar
          535 kB
          Yuki Okamoto
        4. Confluence-6.7.0-language-pack-ja_JP.jar
          540 kB
          Steve Haffenden
        5. confluence-language-pack-ja_JP-6.4.0.rc2-v2r27751-2017-09-04.jar
          531 kB
          Yuki Okamoto
        6. image-2017-12-20-17-57-27-593.png
          153 kB
          Nobuyuki Mukai
        7. Screen Shot 2017-12-20 at 17.12.49.png
          487 kB
          Nobuyuki Mukai
        8. Screen Shot 2017-12-20 at 18.26.17.png
          79 kB
          Nobuyuki Mukai
        9. Screen Shot 2017-12-20 at 18.36.27.png
          539 kB
          Nobuyuki Mukai

            shaffenden Steve Haffenden (Inactive)
            nmukai Nobuyuki Mukai
            10 Vote for this issue
            23 Start watching this issue
