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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-21534

open excel from confluence using Office 2010 Enable Editing causes confluence homepage to load into spreadsheet and blows out formatting


      I have Office 2010 x64 running on Windows 7 x64.

      Open a document, it first opens in 'Protected mode' in office. You can click 'Enable editing',
      At this point, the formatting is completely skewed. It goes from a column spreadsheet with 100s of rows, to a 3 column spreadsheet with thousands of rows

      Correction from above : when you click "Endable editing" it loads a version of the Confluence Login page into your browser worksheet

      See attached document for screen shots

      I found a workaround though – if save to the computer first, then open, click enable editing, it works fine.

            rhartono Roy Hartono [Atlassian]
            7225804bfb60 Ann Myers
            3 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
