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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-71144

Misleading information and Typo in "Configure the indexing language"


      Issue Summary

      In the Confluence Cloud Document "Configure the indexing language", the steps to complete the action are listed, however, this action can only be performed by a "System Administrator", There is a note about this at the top of the page, however it is misleading as it referance the permission needed to perform the action without context that the permission noted in cloud sites is the "System Administrator" permissions or "SYSADMIN" and this permission is a restricted group in Cloud sites (Detailed further in “Functional differences in Confluence Cloud”) and Only Atlassian Support can make this configuration change, and it is not available for Confluence Site Admins to do on their own and causes confusion that the function should be available for them to configure with the appropriate permission.

      Additionally, there is a Grammar / Typo issue in the warning info pane, Noting that only system administrators can perform this action, which reads:

      Currently, you can only can change indexing language and reindex all documents if you are a sysadmin. Otherwise, you have to contact Atlassian Support.

      The portion that reads

      "you can only can change"

      Should read

      you can only change

      Suggested Resolution:

      As this is a feature that can only be configured by Atlassian Support in a Cloud instance the Configuration steps should only Note the following without steps for the configuration options as it leads to false expectations:

      "Currently on Confluence Cloud Sites, this feature can only be configured by Atlassian Support. Please contact us at https://support.atlassian.com/contact , noting what indexing language you would like to have set on your behalf and add the link to this Document in your request for reference"

      We are tracking an update to this functionality at the following Feature Request:


      Additional steps need to be given for Cloud Free users as they will not be able to create the support request directly and would need to file a request under billing and licensing to contact Customer Advocates and request a redirect to the Confluence Cloud Support to make the configuration change on their behalf

            Unassigned Unassigned
            emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
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