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  1. Atlassian Cloud
  2. CLOUD-11100

Offer Data Residency feature without Enterprise plan purchase


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Atlassian Update – Feb 7 2022

      As of late January 2022 availability of Data Residency has been rolled out to all Atlassian paid customers for the products in scope.  For detailed information of the products and data set scope please visit: https://support.atlassian.com/security-and-access-policies/docs/understand-data-residency/ 


      Atlassian Update – 10 October, 2021



      Hi again everyone!

      We have started to roll out Data Residency to the remaining instances of Jira Software, Confluence, and Jira Service Management for instances created before June 30th.  

      Due to the higher than expected volume of customers using Data Residency between June and October, we've decided to roll this out in a phased approach. With approximately 10% of the customer base per week, with full rollout being finished in 10 weeks.  We will adjust this based on the new incoming demand. 

      The phased rollout is just to ensure that there is a smooth transition, given the sheer volume of customers we have in our cloud, and ensuring everyone has time to turn it on if they want to.  Once we have completed the rollout, I will be closing out this request!

      RJ Gazarek

      Sr Product Manager, Data Residency




      Hello Everyone! 

      We are about halfway through our work on providing data residency to ALL Standard and Premium users for no additional cost.  At the end of June, we released Data Residency for brand new JSW/JSM/Confluence instances on Standard or Premium.  The idea is that these instances should be relatively empty, and easy for us to move.  https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Feedback-Forum-articles/Announcing-Data-Residency-for-Standard-and-Premium-licenses/ba-p/1732876

      However, we still have some work to do to open this up to already existing instances with data in them.  We are hoping to have this done no later than October of this year.  In the meantime, if you do require data residency, and you are on Standard or Premium, please open up a support ticket, and we may be able to manually accommodate you before October.  

      In the event that you have a larger dataset, you may still have to wait until we are finished with this body of work by October. 

      If you have any questions, please let me know!

      RJ Gazarek

      Sr. Product Manager, Data Residency

      Hi everyone,

      We know that having control over where your data is stored is a requirement for teams of all sizes. I'm excited to announce that our Standard and Premium plans for Jira and Confluence cloud will include data residency later this year.

      We're committed to enabling our customers to adopt our cloud products. We heard your feedback and thank you for your patience while we prepared to make this announcement.

      Learn more and sign up to receive an email update when it's available here. There is also a detailed FAQ on our landing page; for your convenience I've copied the answers to a few of the top questions below.

      We will post another update and close this feature request once data residency is fully rolled out to Standard and Premium customers.

      Dave Meyer
      Senior Group Product Manager 


      Will the price of cloud plans increase with the addition of data residency?

      No, we will not be increasing the price of our Standard or Premium cloud plans as a result of including data residency as a native feature. 

      Which products is data residency available for?

      Data residency is offered for Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Confluence at this time.

      When will data residency be available?

      Data residency is currently available for customers on the Enterprise plan. We’re working hard to make data residency available in our Standard and Premium cloud plans by the second half of 2021. To stay up to date on availability, please sign up for updates at the bottom of this page or view our cloud roadmap

      Which locations can I store my data in?

      You can choose to pin your data to our US or EU data realms. To stay up to date on additional geographies we are working on, please see our cloud roadmap

      Will enabling data residency make my Jira or Confluence performance faster?

      No, Atlassian uses our global infrastructure presence to host data as close to customers as possible in order to achieve maximum performance. While data residency provides an additional level of certainty that data will not be stored outside a specific geographic area, our architecture is designed to provide global customers the best possible experience. Enabling data residency may lead to more latency for users outside the designated geographic area. Learn more about our global cloud infrastructure

      There are customers who require data residency, but that are not in the Enterprise segment. Either because they are on low user tiers (25-250, typically), and/or because they do not require/are willing to pay for Enterprise prices. 

      I know that lower user tiers for Enterprise is something that Atlassian considers (CLOUD-11064), however the data residency feature is sorely needed also for Premium (or Basic) plan subscriptions.

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