• Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a bug
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 5.2.3, 5.12.0, 5.15.0
    • Repositories


      The repository can be cloned using the URL path after the repository have been renamed with a different name.
      Restarting Bitbucket Server and clearing the cache does not help.

      Steps to Reproduce

      Scenario 1
      1. Create a repository name original on Bitbucket Server.
      2. Perform a clone on the client machine.
      3. Rename the repository from original to new on Bitbucket Server.
      4. Remove the local repository original on the client machine.
      5. Perform the clone for original -> Successful
      6. Perform the clone for new -> Successful
      Scenario 2
      1. Create a repository name original on Bitbucket Server.
      2. Rename the repository from original to new on Bitbucket Server.
      3. Perform the clone for original -> Successful
      4. Perform the clone for new -> Successful

      Expected Results

      Run in a warning message to indicating the repository does not exist:

      $ git clone http://admin@localhost:7990/scm/ren/original.git
      Cloning into 'original'...
      Password for 'http://admin@localhost:7990': 
      fatal: remote error: Repository not found
      The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to
      access it.

      Actual Results

      The clone of the renamed repository is successful:

      $ git clone http://localhost:7990/scm/ren/original.git
      Cloning into 'original'...



          Form Name

            [BSERV-11048] Repository available for clone after renaming

            Kristy added a comment -

            This is expected behaviour as the result of repository aliasing. We are tracking a suggestion (BSERV-10230) for allowing users to choose whether or not a repository is aliased after being moved.

            Kristy added a comment - This is expected behaviour as the result of repository aliasing. We are tracking a suggestion ( BSERV-10230 ) for allowing users to choose whether or not a repository is aliased after being moved.

            The repository aliasing that was introduced by BSERV-3751 is the cause of this problem. The aliasing seems to be isolated to two DB tables, bb_project_alias (if a project key is renamed) and bb_repository_alias (if a repository is renamed and/or moved into another project). After clearing the contents of these tables, the repositories can no longer be cloned from the original URLs. There do not appear to be any side-effects from deleting this content.

            As a more permanent workaround, a scheduled event could be added to the database to keep the affected tables empty. E.g. for MySQL:

            SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;
            use stash;
            create event remove_repo_aliases 
              on schedule 
                every 1 minute 
                delete from bb_repository_alias;
            create event remove_project_aliases 
              on schedule 
                every 1 minute 
                delete from bb_project_alias;

            Josh O'Connell added a comment - The repository aliasing that was introduced by BSERV-3751 is the cause of this problem. The aliasing seems to be isolated to two DB tables, bb_project_alias (if a project key is renamed) and bb_repository_alias (if a repository is renamed and/or moved into another project). After clearing the contents of these tables, the repositories can no longer be cloned from the original URLs. There do not appear to be any side-effects from deleting this content. As a more permanent workaround, a scheduled event could be added to the database to keep the affected tables empty. E.g. for MySQL: SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON; use stash; create event remove_repo_aliases on schedule every 1 minute do delete from bb_repository_alias; create event remove_project_aliases on schedule every 1 minute do delete from bb_project_alias;

            Sujay added a comment -
            1. If the moved repository has a set of permissions applied on it already, they will be carried to the new project too.
            2. The source project permissions do not matter since after the move, the effective permissions will be a combination of the repository permissions and the target project permissions.

            We arrive at these conclusions based on the following tests.

            Tests performed:

            • Create two projects Keys: PRJ1 and PRJ2
            • Create a repository named new_repo under PRJ1 on Bitbucket Server.
            Scenario 1: Move to a new Project
            • Access Rights for the user:
              • Project level: none
              • Repository Level: Read
            • Perform a clone of new_repo on the client machine. -> Successful
            • Move the repository from PRJ1 to PRJ2 on Bitbucket Server.
            • Remove the local repository original on the client machine.
            • Perform the clone for new_repo with old URL -> Successful
            • Perform the clone for new_repo with new URL -> Successful
              > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ1/new_repo.git
              Cloning into 'new_repo'...
              remote: Enumerating objects: 7, done.
              remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done.
              remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
              remote: Total 7 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
              Unpacking objects: 100% (7/7), done.
              > rm -rf new_repo
              > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ1/new_repo.git
              Cloning into 'new_repo_renamed'...
              remote: Enumerating objects: 7, done.
              remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done.
              remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
              remote: Total 7 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
              > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ2/new_repo.git
              Cloning into 'new_repo'...
              remote: Enumerating objects: 7, done.
              remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done.
              remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
              remote: Total 7 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
              Unpacking objects: 100% (7/7), done.
            Scenario 2: Move and then remove Repository access right
            • Access Rights for the user:
              • Project level: none
              • Repository Level: Read
            • Perform a clone of new_repo on the client machine. -> Successful
            • Remove the Repository level Access Right.
            • Move the repository from PRJ1 to PRJ2 on Bitbucket Server.
            • Perform the clone using the original URL -> Unuccessful
            • Perform the clone using the new URL -> Unuccessful
              > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ1/new_repo.git
              Cloning into 'new_repo'...
              fatal: remote error: Repository not found
              The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to
              access it.
              > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ2/new_repo.git
              Cloning into 'new_repo'...
              fatal: remote error: Repository not found
              The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to
              access it.
            Scenario 3:
            • Access Rights for the user:
              • Project level: PRJ1 - Read, PRJ2 - none
              • Repository Level: none
            • Perform a clone of new_repo on the client machine.
            • Move the repository from PRJ1 to PRJ2 on Bitbucket Server.
            • Perform the clone using the original URL -> Unsuccessful
            • Perform the clone using the new URL -> Unsuccessful
              > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ1/new_repo.git
              Cloning into 'new_repo'...
              fatal: remote error: Repository not found
              The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to
              access it.
              > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ2/new_repo.git
              Cloning into 'new_repo'...
              fatal: remote error: Repository not found
              The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to
              access it.

            Just to clear the permission complexity, the below table shows the effective permission for a user in the different levels:

            Project Repository Effective Permission
            None None None
            None Read Read
            Read Read Read
            Read None Read

            Please check the Permissions Matrix for more of such combinations.

            Sujay added a comment - If the moved repository has a set of permissions applied on it already, they will be carried to the new project too. The source project permissions do not matter since after the move, the effective permissions will be a combination of the repository permissions and the target project permissions. We arrive at these conclusions based on the following tests. Tests performed: Requirements: Create two projects Keys: PRJ1 and PRJ2 Create a repository named new_repo under PRJ1 on Bitbucket Server. Scenario 1: Move to a new Project Access Rights for the user: Project level: none Repository Level: Read Perform a clone of new_repo on the client machine. -> Successful Move the repository from PRJ1 to PRJ2 on Bitbucket Server. Remove the local repository original on the client machine. Perform the clone for new_repo with old URL -> Successful Perform the clone for new_repo with new URL -> Successful > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ1/new_repo.git Cloning into 'new_repo'... remote: Enumerating objects: 7, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done. remote: Total 7 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (7/7), done. > rm -rf new_repo > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ1/new_repo.git Cloning into 'new_repo_renamed'... remote: Enumerating objects: 7, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done. remote: Total 7 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0) > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ2/new_repo.git Cloning into 'new_repo'... remote: Enumerating objects: 7, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done. remote: Total 7 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0) Unpacking objects: 100% (7/7), done. Scenario 2: Move and then remove Repository access right Access Rights for the user: Project level: none Repository Level: Read Perform a clone of new_repo on the client machine. -> Successful Remove the Repository level Access Right. Move the repository from PRJ1 to PRJ2 on Bitbucket Server. Perform the clone using the original URL -> Unuccessful Perform the clone using the new URL -> Unuccessful > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ1/new_repo.git Cloning into 'new_repo'... fatal: remote error: Repository not found The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it. > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ2/new_repo.git Cloning into 'new_repo'... fatal: remote error: Repository not found The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it. Scenario 3: Access Rights for the user: Project level: PRJ1 - Read, PRJ2 - none Repository Level: none Perform a clone of new_repo on the client machine. Move the repository from PRJ1 to PRJ2 on Bitbucket Server. Perform the clone using the original URL -> Unsuccessful Perform the clone using the new URL -> Unsuccessful > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ1/new_repo.git Cloning into 'new_repo'... fatal: remote error: Repository not found The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it. > git clone http://test@localhost:25160/b5160/scm/PRJ2/new_repo.git Cloning into 'new_repo'... fatal: remote error: Repository not found The requested repository does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it. Just to clear the permission complexity, the below table shows the effective permission for a user in the different levels: Project Repository Effective Permission None None None None Read Read Read Read Read Read None Read Please check the Permissions Matrix for more of such combinations.

            Perfect description of the problem @bannamalai!
            I can add that the same occurs when a repository is moved from one project to another.

            I need a work-a-round to prevent this on a number of repositories. This because the repository is moved to a project that have different access settings. But the original path let the user in via the old original project security settings.
            (Can I change something in the DB or in a file on the server?)

            Lars Lundegård added a comment - Perfect description of the problem @bannamalai! I can add that the same occurs when a repository is moved from one project to another. I need a work-a-round to prevent this on a number of repositories. This because the repository is moved to a project that have different access settings. But the original path let the user in via the old original project security settings. (Can I change something in the DB or in a file on the server?)

              khughes@atlassian.com Kristy
              bannamalai Baskar Annamalai (Inactive)
              Affected customers:
              5 This affects my team
              13 Start watching this issue
