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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-21235

Optional Bitbucket Deploy Steps


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      I need to have an "optional: true/false" option available for steps. Imagine this scenario, where I have 5 DEV environments I can deploy to named DEV1, DEV2, DEV3, DEV4, DEV5. Right now, I'd set these up like so:

      - parallel:          
          - step: *Deploy-dev1
          - step: *Deploy-dev2
          - step: *Deploy-dev3
          - step: *Deploy-dev4
          - step: *Deploy-dev5

      This works if all 5 steps are manual steps. The problem is however, what if I only want to deploy to DEV3? My only option is to go DEV1, then DEV2, then DEV3. I can't just click the button for DEV3.

      I would like the option to mark all 5 of those steps as optional, so I can click them in any order to deploy to my chosen environment.

      Another scenario is the following. Say I have two DEV environments DEV1, DEV2, one STG environment STG1, and one PROD environment PROD1. You cannot do this:

      - parallel:          
          - step: *Deploy-dev1
          - step: *Deploy-dev2
          - step: *Deploy-stg1
          - step: *Deploy-prod1

      Because bitbucket-pipelines will not allow you to mix DEV, STG, and PROD steps in a parallel group. I would really like the ability to set a step as optional or to be able to ignore a step and mark it as complete or some other similar functionality.

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            94045348a033 Chris Stark
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