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  1. Bitbucket Cloud
  2. BCLOUD-19548

Sometimes recent commits that exist on the remote repository are not visible in the website, in the 'Commits' page of the repo


      Issue Summary

      Sometimes recent commits that exist on the remote repository are not visible in the website, in the 'Commits' page of the repo.

      This impacts users' ability to open Pull requests: if a user wants to open a PR for an affected branch, they won't be able to, as no commits will show for this branch.

      Steps to Reproduce

      There are no steps to reproduce this, this issue rarely occurs in some repos


      Users have reported that pushing another commit or a new branch to the repo, solves the issue.

      You can also contact Bitbucket Cloud Support (https://support.atlassian.com/contact/#/) to fix the issue for your repository.


      Update (October 2021):

      We have found the race condition that was responsible for this issue. While we couldn't fully eliminate it in the short-term we were able to significantly reduce its probability. Additionally, we have implemented it in such a way that we can easily fine-tune the parameters of the fix based on the customer impact. Please let us know here if you continue to be impacted by this issue and in the meantime please refer to the Workaround section above to unblock your workflow.
      For a long-term solution we have recently kicked off a project to fix the issue fully, but this is a larger project and will take us some time to complete.


      Update (June 2023):

      We have been actively monitoring this issue and we are happy to see that the issue has been impacting our customers at a much lower pace over the last several months. We attribute this improved trajectory to numerous architectural improvements we were able to put in place over the last while. The issue is still occassionally reported but it is unclear now whether it still shares the same root cause as its original counterpart. As a result, we have decided to close this original issue and start tracking the symptoms under a new BCLOUD ticket. This will allow us to more easily track the influx of customer reports and focus on the latest possible root cause of the issue. If you experience these symptoms please report them under the new BCLOUD ticket.

              d8ab8beb03e9 Brian Victor
              tboudale Theodora Boudale
              79 Vote for this issue
              96 Start watching this issue
