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      Ability to Export selected projects

      Originally posed in forum - http://forums.atlassian.com/thread.jspa?messageID=257247499#257247499
      "There also doesn't seem to be an option to extract a single project from Bamboo and migrate it to another"

          Form Name

            [BAM-1223] Import Export individual projects / plans

            In the original community post, Bamboo Specs were not specified nor was it in the description of this issue. Bamboo Specs are a waste of time as it does not preserve names correctly and everything that is in the UI to configure a plan is not available in Bamboo Specs.

            James Brown added a comment - In the original community post, Bamboo Specs were not specified nor was it in the description of this issue. Bamboo Specs are a waste of time as it does not preserve names correctly and everything that is in the UI to configure a plan is not available in Bamboo Specs.

            phil.rittenhouse You can export to Specs in 6.0.

            752550414 no, that's not possible.

            mahesh.pawar149791125863 Yes, you can use it to copy the plan.

            Przemek Bruski added a comment - phil.rittenhouse You can export to Specs in 6.0. 752550414 no, that's not possible. mahesh.pawar149791125863 Yes, you can use it to copy the plan.

            I can see bamboo specs of my plan in bamboo 6.0. Can it be use to export this plan to naother bamboo machine(6.0 & above)?

            Or any other way exists?


            Mahesh Pawar added a comment - I can see bamboo specs of my plan in bamboo 6.0. Can it be use to export this plan to naother bamboo machine(6.0 & above)? Or any other way exists?  

            Clara Yuan added a comment -

            if i want to move a individual plan with it's configuration and logs ,history to another bamboo server , can bamboo specs work?

            Clara Yuan added a comment - if i want to move a individual plan with it's configuration and logs ,history to another bamboo server , can bamboo specs work?

            I can see how Bamboo Specs can be used to generate a build plan but I don't see how it could be used to export an existing plan.  We have the option now to export a plan as YML but not import so this feature request seems to still be unresolved.


            Phil Rittenhouse added a comment - I can see how Bamboo Specs can be used to generate a build plan but I don't see how it could be used to export an existing plan.  We have the option now to export a plan as YML but not import so this feature request seems to still be unresolved.  

            The preferred way to get that functionality is to use Bamboo Specs.


            Note that we do not have a full coverage of Bamboo features for now, but we'll get there.

            Przemek Bruski added a comment - The preferred way to get that functionality is to use Bamboo Specs. https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BAMBOO/Bamboo+Specs Note that we do not have a full coverage of Bamboo features for now, but we'll get there.  


            If you don't mind a commercial plug-in, you could use our Plan DSL for Bamboo. This plug-in provides an open source Groovy based DSL to script your build plans and deployment projects. We also support the export of plans and deployment projects to this DSL. Here's an example of how this looks like:

            project(key: 'MYPROJECT', name: 'My project') {
                plan(key: 'MYPLAN', name: 'My plan') {
                    stage(name: 'My stage') {
                        description 'My stage'
                        manual false
                        job(key: 'BUILD', name: 'Maven build job' ) {
                            tasks {
                                maven3x(goal: 'install') {
                                    description 'build plug-in'
                                    executable 'maven323'
                                    buildJdk 'jdk8'
                                    environmentVariables 'MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"'
                    deploymentProject(name: 'my deployment project') {
                        environment(name: 'staging') {
                        environment(name: 'production') {

            Because this DSL is just Groovy, you have the full power of a programming language to script your Bamboo instances. If you're interested, you can find more information in our Wiki.

            Mibex Software added a comment - Hi, If you don't mind a commercial plug-in, you could use our  Plan DSL for Bamboo . This plug-in provides an open source Groovy based DSL to script your build plans and deployment projects. We also support the export of plans and deployment projects to this DSL. Here's an example of how this looks like: project(key: 'MYPROJECT' , name: 'My project' ) { plan(key: 'MYPLAN' , name: 'My plan' ) { stage(name: 'My stage' ) { description 'My stage' manual false job(key: 'BUILD' , name: 'Maven build job' ) { tasks { maven3x(goal: 'install' ) { description 'build plug-in' executable 'maven323' buildJdk 'jdk8' environmentVariables 'MAVEN_OPTS= "-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m" ' } } } } deploymentProject(name: 'my deployment project' ) { environment(name: 'staging' ) { } environment(name: 'production' ) { } } } } Because this DSL is just Groovy, you have the full power of a programming language to script your Bamboo instances. If you're interested, you can find more information in our Wiki .

            A beta YAML export feature appeared in 5.14 with an indication that full export/import will follow in the next release... https://confluence.atlassian.com/bamboo/bamboo-5-14-release-notes-856821277.html#Bamboo5.14ReleaseNotes-BuildplansanddeploymentprojectsinYAML(beta)

            Mark Gibson added a comment - A beta YAML export feature appeared in 5.14 with an indication that full export/import will follow in the next release... https://confluence.atlassian.com/bamboo/bamboo-5-14-release-notes-856821277.html#Bamboo5.14ReleaseNotes-BuildplansanddeploymentprojectsinYAML(beta )

            Yes, it has been long enough that I'm giving up hope on this feature making it into Bamboo.  I hope I'm wrong though.

            John Kirkham added a comment - Yes, it has been long enough that I'm giving up hope on this feature making it into Bamboo.  I hope I'm wrong though.

            Wow, guys! This has been an ask since 2007? Seems like a no-brainer that Bamboo needs this feature! 

            Susan Seidlitz added a comment - Wow, guys! This has been an ask since 2007? Seems like a no-brainer that Bamboo needs this feature! 

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