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  2. TRELLO-183

Total Workspace Collaborator count out of sync


    • Severity 2 - Major

      Issue Summary

      The total Workspace Collaborator count on /members out of sync with the database. This impacts some Workspaces, but not all. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. View impacted Workspace Member page
      2. Observe the total Collaborator count does not match the total number of actual Workspace members and Guests

      Expected Results

      1. View Workspace Member page
      2. Total Collaborator count should match the total number of Workspace members and Guests

      Actual Results

      1. Total Collaborator count doesn't match the actual number of Workspace members and guests. Screenshot:


      • In one instance, adding a guest to a board, and then removing them fixes the Guest count and the total Collaborator count.
      • In another instance, WS Member count was (10) Guest Count was (0) but the Total Collab count was (12/10). In the Guests tab, there were 2 deactivated accounts, who were board members on Private boards. Removing the deactivated Guests and this fixed the overall count.
      • Creating a new board may also fix this issue

            b257fb7253f8 Thorn Golden
            bjohnson2@atlassian.com Blair at Atlassian
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
