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  1. Sourcetree for Windows
  2. SRCTREEWIN-8160

Application not starting after Windows Creator Update


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: High High
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Windows 10 Home 64-bit

      Version 1709

      Build 16299.99

    • Severity 1 - Critical

      Error message:

      ERROR [2017-10-19 22:44:46,898] [1] [SourceTree.App] [.ctor] - finish EnsureSquirrelExecutionStubIsCopied
      ERROR [2017-10-19 22:44:47,110] [1] [SourceTree.App] [OnStartup] - Failed to start
      System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
      at SourceTree.Notifications.NotificationsManager.SetOwner(NotificationDialogWindow notificationWindow)
      at SourceTree.Notifications.NotificationsManager.ShowNotificationDialog[T](NotificationDialogWindow notificationWindow, Tuple`2 customAction, VistaTaskDialogIcon icon)
      at SourceTree.Notifications.NotificationsManager.ShowNotificationDialog[T](String title, String message, Tuple`2 customAction, String cancelLabel, String suppressionSetting, Action`1 suppressionChangedAction, Object contentControl, String contentCommandLabel, Action contentAction)
      at SourceTree.Notifications.NotificationsManager.ShowNotificationDialogWithYesConfirmation(String title, String message, String details)
      at SourceTree.Configuration.WpfSpellCheckerPreFlightCheck.Run()
      at SourceTree.AppRoot.RunPreFlightChecks()
      at SourceTree.AppRoot.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
      at SourceTree.App.OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

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