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  1. Opsgenie
  2. OPSGENIE-67

Ability to to integrate Opsgenie Incidents with external systems


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      User Problem

      Currently integrations in Opsgenie (besides Zendesk) only work with alerts in Opsgenie. 

      There is no way to:

      A) Setup integrations to create incidents in Opsgenie. Integrations can only create alerts in Opsgenie.

      B) Trigger outbound integrations when an incident is created/closed/etc. They are only able to be triggered based off alerts being created, closed, etc

      e.g. webhook integration, OEC integration, outgoing portion of ServiceNow, Statuspage integrations etc.

      Suggested Solutions

      Allow for "Incident Actions" to be supported within integrations, to allow for integrations to work bi-directionally with Opsgenie incidents.

      Current Workarounds

      • Setup an incident rule in Opsgenie to automate incident creation from the opsgenie alert (3rd-party -> integration creates alert in OG -> Incident rule creates incident from OG alert)
      • Use responder alerts generated from an incident to trigger the outgoing integrations (Incident created in OG -> Responder alerts created from incident -> outgoing integration triggered)

            933bb4f01eab Kaushik Mitra
            skafel Samir
            62 Vote for this issue
            30 Start watching this issue
