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  1. Opsgenie
  2. OPSGENIE-1192

Post Action for OEC integration for when Alert creates (or is aggregated with) an Incident



    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      User Problem

      When an alert is created many processes seem to run in parallel, meaning that the "POST TO OEC" action can happen before the alert is aggregated (or creates) an incident. As a result, the "Incident ID" which is added to the extra properties of an alert when it aggregates is not available in the payload at the time we send to OEC. 

      This means the Incident ID is not always sent across to OEC. 

      Suggested Solutions

      We need to be able to trigger OEC when an alert is aggregated or creates an incident and updates its values. 

      Add a new dropdown choice in "Post Actions to OEC for Opsgenie Alerts:" in the OEC integration that lets users "send to oec" again if an alert creates or aggregates with an incident. 

      Current Workarounds

      The customer needs to have a script with a timer delay that will make an API call to resend the alert to OEC.  




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            02e0e6462e41 Talar Pavlovic
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