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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-81955

Issue Created Event is not fired when creating issues using CSV External System Import

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.


      The issue Created Event is not triggered when issue are created from CSV using External System Import (documentation: importing data from csv). The issue updated event is fired instead.

      This makes it impossible to trigger automation rules, notifications or webhooks for issues created this way.

      When bulk creating issues from CSV  (documentation: create issues using the csv importer) the issue created event is correctly fired.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Webhook that fires on issue_created and issue_updated events and send the data to beeceptor, webhooks.site, postbin, or other similar tools
      2. Bulk create some issues from CSV (create issues using the csv importer)
      3. See that you have correctly received the issue_created Webhook
      4. Now repeat the test using External System Import instead (importing data from csv)

      Expected Results

      The issue_created webhook is received

      Actual Results

      The issue_updated webhook is received instead.


      This happens because the CSV External System Import is firing the issue updated event instead of the issue created event. The issue can also be reproduced using notifications or automation rules configured to be triggered on issue_updated event.

      From original description:

      I am creating an plugins which send and notification to our tool whenever an Issue is created. We are unable to trapped the Issue Created Event at the time of CSV import.

      Even We are unable to distinct the issue which are created using CSV import.


      For Issue Created event, use Bulk Create instead.

       Bulk Create has more limited features than CSV External System Import

            [JRACLOUD-81955] Issue Created Event is not fired when creating issues using CSV External System Import


            We’re looking to improve the import experience in Jira and are keen to understand how our community is using the Jira Import Module (JIM). If you’ve used JIM to migrate/move data into Jira recently, we’d love to hear about your experience. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. Your feedback will help us learn how we can improve your experience in importing data.

            Survey link - https://forms.gle/NYNkmS92r96z42QV9


            Prashanth M
            Product Manager, Jira Platform

            Prashanth M added a comment - Hello! We’re looking to improve the import experience in Jira and are keen to understand how our community is using the Jira Import Module (JIM). If you’ve used JIM to migrate/move data into Jira recently, we’d love to hear about your experience. Please take a few minutes to  fill out this survey . Your feedback will help us learn how we can improve your experience in importing data. Survey link -  https://forms.gle/NYNkmS92r96z42QV9 Thanks! Prashanth M Product Manager, Jira Platform

            9 years no activities? Our dreams would become true if you could fix it somehow <3

            Сергей Соловьёв added a comment - 9 years no activities? Our dreams would become true if you could fix it somehow <3

            Pauline Dupuy added a comment - - edited

            I had to read this ticket to find out why our automation didn't work. It's still an ongoing pb  

            Pauline Dupuy added a comment - - edited I had to read this ticket to find out why our automation didn't work. It's still an ongoing pb  

            Re-opening the ticket as feature is still needed.

            Bartosz Dopke added a comment - Re-opening the ticket as feature is still needed.

            Glad the status of this had been changed to a short-term backlog. Looking forward to for a fix for this as we use the import to update time spent from out timesheet system. Not firing the update event means that after each such import we have to update manualy our EazyBI cube to get fresh data.

            Stanislav Ptáček added a comment - Glad the status of this had been changed to a short-term backlog. Looking forward to for a fix for this as we use the import to update time spent from out timesheet system. Not firing the update event means that after each such import we have to update manualy our EazyBI cube to get fresh data.

            Looking for it to be fixed soon.

            Jack Hunter [HeroCoders] added a comment - Looking for it to be fixed soon.

            I don't agree this is a "new feature" request. It surely should be changed to a bug. 

            Every script or web hook listening on create events should be triggered when creating an issue from CSV import as well. 

            Björn Gullander added a comment - I don't agree this is a "new feature" request. It surely should be changed to a bug.  Every script or web hook listening on create events should be triggered when creating an issue from CSV import as well. 

            re-opening this issue as there are actually customers still requesting this feature, some of these have been channeled to related issues like:

            Taiwo Akindele (Inactive) added a comment - re-opening this issue as there are actually customers still requesting this feature, some of these have been channeled to related issues like: https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/JIM-195 https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-9616 These other issues are specific about Issue Notifications, but the issue seems to be more generally about the Issue Created even since webhooks are not triggered either.

            As part of a general cleanup, I am closing issues that have not been updated for 2 years. If you consider this issue to be stil valid, please reopen the issue, pereferably with a comment so we can action it.

            tier-0 grump added a comment - As part of a general cleanup, I am closing issues that have not been updated for 2 years. If you consider this issue to be stil valid, please reopen the issue, pereferably with a comment so we can action it.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              Anonymous Anonymous
              Affected customers:
              52 This affects my team
              50 Start watching this issue
