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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1855

Team Calendars Preflight Check for misaligned space keys between Parent and Sub Calendars

    • 28
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Problem Definition

      Misalignment on some calendars will cause failure during the space/calendar import to Cloud

      Suggested Solution

      Add preflight check for Team Calendars to handle the misalignment between the calendars.

      Why this is important

      To avoid error during the import


      • SQL query to identify the mismatched calendars, on Confluence on-prem:
        select sub."ID" as child_id,sub."NAME" as child_name,sub."SPACE_KEY" as child_space,parent."ID" as parent_id,parent."NAME" as parent_name,parent."SPACE_KEY" as parent_space
        from "AO_950DC3_TC_SUBCALS" sub
        join "AO_950DC3_TC_SUBCALS" parent on parent."ID"=sub."PARENT_ID"
        where sub."PARENT_ID" is not null and sub."SPACE_KEY" is not null and sub."SPACE_KEY" != parent."SPACE_KEY";
        • Sample output:

          Child Calendars from line 1 & 4 will not be migrated to Cloud as the Parent Calendar is not associated to any space
          Child Calendars from line 2 & 3 will cause ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "AO_950DC3_TC_SUBCALS_pkey" error during the import, because the Space Key isn't aligned with the Parent Calendar's.
      • SQL to fix the mismatched calendars, before the migration:
        • Line 1 & 4 scenario - Update "SPACE_KEY" of Parent Calendar, so the parent calendar is migrated with target space
          UPDATE "AO_950DC3_TC_SUBCALS" SET "SPACE_KEY"='ABC' WHERE "ID"='<id_of_parent_calendar>';
        • Line 2 & 3 scenario - Set the "SPACE_KEY" to null on the child calendar, so it is migrated with its parent calendar under the same space
          UPDATE "AO_950DC3_TC_SUBCALS" SET "SPACE_KEY"=null WHERE "ID"='<id_of_child_calendar>';

            [MIG-1855] Team Calendars Preflight Check for misaligned space keys between Parent and Sub Calendars

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