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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-77425

CCMA fails to migrate space with team calendars due to duplicate event type key


      Issue Summary

      During migration of spaces with CCMA 3.9.4, if team calendars are migration along with spaces (no dark feature flag used), then Space migration fails.

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (no)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a new migration plan in CCMA 3.9.4
      2. Select Space(s) to be migrated
      3. Run Migration

      Expected Results

      Spaces and related team calendars are migrated successfully

      Actual Results

      The below exception is thrown in the atlassian-confluence.log file:

      2024-01-20 17:07:10,218 ERROR [com.atlassian.migration-StepExecutionService:thread-29] [agent.service.stepexecutor.ProgressTracker] error Step failed, message: Import to cloud failed. Message: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "AO_950DC3_TC_SUBCALS_pkey"; To investigate this error please provide the trace id xxxxxxxxxxxxx to Atlassian support.To investigate this error please provide the trace id xxxxxxxxxxxx to Atlassian support.



      If the error shows up with one of these constraints:

      • "AO_950DC3_TC_SUBCALS_pkey"
      • "AO_950DC3_TC_REMINDER_SETTINGS_pkey"
      • "AO_950DC3_TC_CUSTOM_EV_TYPES_pkey"

      That means there is remnant Team Calendar space data from a previous migration and there are two options for workarounds (below). 

      Option 1:

      1. Ensure the space is completely deleted. 
      2. Atlassian support can help with deleting a space fully using internal scripts. 

      Option 2:

      1. Create a plan without the failed spaces
      2. Apply the dark feature flag migration-assistant.disable.team-calendars-migration to skip team calendars migration.
        This will not migrate team calendars across.
      3. Create a plan to migrate the problematic spaces
      4. Migrate team calendars separately either manually or contact Atlassian Support.

      Option 3:

      1. If the error shows up with any other constraints besides those listed above, retry the migration. 

            cac84ca2e5e8 Nilay Modi
            kplaha Kanwar
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