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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-160

Error executing space keys conflict check


    • 124
    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      There might be several different reasons for the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant to be unable to check for the space key conflict, however, if you see the following logs on your server the problem might be the authorization has expired and you need to re-link your Server to your Cloud site.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a plan to migrate a space
      2. Wait for a few days
      3. Try to run that same plan again.

      Expected Results

      The plan would migrate the space

      Actual Results

      The below exception is thrown in the Atlassian-confluence.log file:

      ERROR [Caesium-1-1] [service.check.space.SpaceConflictChecker] error Error executing space keys conflict check.
      – checkExecutionId: xxxxxxxxxxxx
      com.atlassian.migration.agent.okhttp.HttpServiceException: Bad request. Status code: 401, message: {"code":401,"message":"Unauthorized"}


      You can try to re-link your Cloud site to your Server, usually, that will solve the problem if not try Restore the Cloud Migration Assistant for Confluence to its default version, note that will wipe all your previous plans, it's also worth checking for any network appliances that could be blocking traffic and white list Atlassian's Cloud IP's and Domains.

      Reach out to support if you continue to have this problem after going through the workaround above.

      Re-link your server to Cloud

      • Create a new plan in JCMA/CCMA.
      • When you advance to the next screen, click on "Choose Cloud Site" JCMA/CCMA will redirect you to the Cloud.
      • A drop-down menu will appear so you can select the Cloud site.
      • You should be able to proceed with the migration.

        1. ConfluenceMigrationError.jpg
          53 kB
          Daniel Brito [Atlassian]

            42e1fcbddfb5 Sarthak Goel
            dbrito Daniel Brito [Atlassian]
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