Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Platform'
  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1317

Migrate using All Data at Once causes attachment links to be broken


    • 7
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 2

      Issue Summary

      Migrating server instance using all data at once will not fail but will result into attachment links and Avatar links to be broken. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Using JCMA 1.7.8 
      2. Choose migrate All data at once. 
      3. Finish the migration
      4. Go to cloud site
      5. Issues containing avatars or Attachments will have broken links

      Expected Results

      All links should not be broken.

      Actual Results


      Workaround #1 - Recommended

      Issue has been fixed in JCMA Version 1.8.0


      Workaround #2 - Incase you can't upgrade to JCMA Version 1.8.0

      To fix the attachment linking issue for customers who have already made a migration using 1.7.8 version, customers can fix the attachment linking follow the instructions below:

      1. Enable the following dark feature flags


      2. Create a new Attachment Only migration

      3. Choose "Attachment linking" and tick "Force re-linking"

      4. Tick all projects

      5. And run the migration

        1. image-2023-03-07-15-24-22-942.png
          1.01 MB
          Nader Ayyad
        2. image-2023-03-07-17-56-11-518.png
          95 kB
          Youyou Cheng

            cb409c559c8f Keith Pinto (Inactive)
            d287347322fa Nader Ayyad
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
