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  1. Jira Work Management Cloud
  2. JWMCLOUD-93

User status at User Management still showing "No activity" even though the user has logged in to the instance

    • 33
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      User status still displays No Activity even after the user already logged in to the instance. When open their profile , it show Never seen on this site



      Steps to Reproduce

      1. As site-admin , invite a user
      2. Go to the user email inbox, he should receive invitation email from JIRA
      3. Complete the registration and login to the instance.
      4. Create an issue or view any issue

      Expected Results

      User status from User Management page doesn't show "No Activity" and in the profile updated with Last Seen information

      Actual Results

      User status from User Management page show "No Activity" and in the profile show "Never seen on this site"


      It will not affect the user login. Note that the last activity data can be delayed up to 4 hours.


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            [JWMCLOUD-93] User status at User Management still showing "No activity" even though the user has logged in to the instance

            No work has yet been logged on this issue.

              yjutard yjutard (Inactive)
              nroslan Atiqah Roslan
              Affected customers:
              18 This affects my team
              65 Start watching this issue
