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  1. Jira Work Management Cloud
  2. JWMCLOUD-449

Status groups on the list view JWM are not ordered logically


    • 10
    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      On the list view, it is possible to group issues by their status. Currently, the ordering of the status groups is only based on their status category sequence. However, statuses inside a same status category don’t seem to be sorted in any logical order.

      Indeed in the backend, only the status category sequence is taken into account for sorting status groups. Although it might not be completely logical when dealing with multiple workflows, we probably want to have statuses ordered by their workflow “step order” and/or sequence (not sure what the status sequence represents). It would at least provide a consistent order for projects that only have 1 workflow.

      Steps to Reproduce

      Create a workflow with the following steps:

      1. Backlog
      2. To do
      3. In progress
      4. In review
      5. Rolling out
      6. Post rollout
      7. Done

      Expected Results

      Assuming the defined step orders are logical, when grouping the issues by status, the order should instead be:

      1. Backlog
      2. To do
      3. In progress
      4. In review
      5. Rolling out
      6. Post rollout
      7. Done

      Actual Results

      Here’s an example where the status group order on the List view doesn’t quite make sense:


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

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