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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-9564

As a Support Engineer, I would like for 'Epic Name' field duplicated records to be automatically deleted.


    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      The Problem:
      Several customer show duplicated records on their database and though they might not be harmfull, they might cause future problems.

      jira=> select * from fieldconfiguration where configname like '%Epic Name';
        id   |             configname              |               description               |      fieldid      | customfield 
       10901 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
       11000 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
       11002 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
       11004 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
       11006 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |                   
      on and on (292 rows)
       11328 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
       11329 | Default Configuration for Epic Name | Default configuration generated by JIRA | customfield_10801 |            
      (292 rows)

      Problem is related and was discovered when 'Epic Name' was found linked to 3 issuetypes: (this probably solved on startup tasks of: GHS-6152)

      jira=> select * from fieldconfigschemeissuetype where fieldconfigscheme in (select id from fieldconfiguration where fieldid = 'customfield_10801');
        id   | issuetype | fieldconfigscheme | fieldconfiguration 
       11849 |           |             11002 |              11330
       11314 |           |             11000 |              11081
       11846 | 3         |             10901 |              10901 (wrong)
       11847 | 7         |             10901 |              10901 (wrong)
       11848 | 5         |             10901 |              10901 
      (5 rows)

      We think this might be solved in a similar way.

      There are other fields duplicated as well:

      jira=> select configname, count(*) as count from fieldconfiguration group by configname having count(*) > 1 order by count desc;
                       configname                  | count 
       Default Configuration for Epic Name         |   292
       Default Configuration for Epic Status       |    38
       Default Configuration for External issue ID |     3
       Default Configuration for Issue Type        |     2
       Default Configuration for Rank              |     2

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mfernandezbadii Mauro Badii (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
