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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-9218

Ability to filter the sprints in Burndown report


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • 6.2.3
    • None

      In the burndown report, if we have a quite few sprints in the board (something like 30 or more), it`s a pain to select one specific Sprint (in fact, it`s not possible, only if you use the down or up arrow in the keyboard and guess the Sprint).

      We need a way to select the other Sprints in this list, since we can`t do this today.

      It would be great if we can have something like a filter there, to show only recent sprints, or an auto-complete text box, then we can search the Sprint by the name.

      Tested using Google Chrome, Firefox and IE.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              aquadrospetry Andre Quadros Petry (Inactive)
              3 Vote for this issue
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