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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-6651

Agile boards have Days in Column value offset by a large incorrect amount



      Agile boards have Days in Column value offset by a large incorrect amount

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create or use a project with an agile simplified workflow.
      2. Ensure the Days in Column feature is enabled.
      3. On the board, transition an issue to the same status it is currently in.
      4. View Days in Column

      Expected Results

      The Days in Column value remains the same.

      Actual Results

      The Days in Column dots max out and mousing over displays a huge value (e.g. over 16k days).

      Solution / Workaround

      Transition the ticket to other status, and then back to the target column. Consider changing the workflow to prevent recursive transitions.


      ".. days in column" data is based on opt_data.issue.timeInColumn.days value and is calculated the following way:

      if (b.timeInColumn) {
      b.timeInColumn.days = Math.floor((b.timeInColumn.durationPreviously + new Date().getTime() - b.timeInColumn.enteredStatus) / a)

      which is calculated from timeInColumn value from JSON https://<JIRA>/rest/greenhopper/1.0/xboard/work/allData.json?rapidViewId=<BOARD_ID>.
      Normally, this data looks like:

      "timeInColumn": {
        "enteredStatus": 1442936354000,
        "durationPreviously": 0

      in case of an issue was transitioned to the same status it is currently in:

      "timeInColumn": {
        "enteredStatus": 0,
        "durationPreviously": 2301491000

      which leads to large opt_data.issue.timeInColumn.days value

              bmccoy bmccoy
              igrunert ig (Inactive)
              35 Vote for this issue
              39 Start watching this issue
