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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-25773

The highlighting of the Sprint options is not following the cursor and gets stuck

      Issue Summary

      The highlighting of the options in the Sprint "3 dots" menu is not following the cursor and gets stuck when hovering (mouse overing) up and down each option.


      • Replicable on Jira Data Center 9.4.x
      • Not Replicable on Jira Data Center 8.20.x
      • Not Replicable on Jira Data Center 9.12.x


      This bug might be related to JSWSERVER-25774, as the symptom is similar.

      Steps to replicate

      • Create a new SCRUM board
      • Create a few Sprints on the board
      • Next to any Sprint, click on the ... menu
      • Hover up and down over each of the options listed in this menu:
        • Edit Sprint
        • Move Sprint down
        • Delete sprint

      Expected behavior

      The highlighting should follow the cursor:

      • if the cursor is on "Edit Sprint", then the highlighting should on "Edit Sprint"
      • if the cursor is on "Move Sprint down", then the highlighting should on "Move Sprint down"
      • etc...

      Actual Behavior

      The highlighting is not following the curstor and gets stuck.

      For example, when the cursor is hovering from the top to the bottom of this menu, and then backup, the highlighting gets stuck on the option located at the bottom, which is "Delete Sprint".


      Upgrade Jira Software to the most recent LTS release (9.12.x).

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
            1. Jira Software Data Center
            2. JSWSERVER-25773

            The highlighting of the Sprint options is not following the cursor and gets stuck

                Issue Summary

                The highlighting of the options in the Sprint "3 dots" menu is not following the cursor and gets stuck when hovering (mouse overing) up and down each option.


                • Replicable on Jira Data Center 9.4.x
                • Not Replicable on Jira Data Center 8.20.x
                • Not Replicable on Jira Data Center 9.12.x


                This bug might be related to JSWSERVER-25774, as the symptom is similar.

                Steps to replicate

                • Create a new SCRUM board
                • Create a few Sprints on the board
                • Next to any Sprint, click on the ... menu
                • Hover up and down over each of the options listed in this menu:
                  • Edit Sprint
                  • Move Sprint down
                  • Delete sprint

                Expected behavior

                The highlighting should follow the cursor:

                • if the cursor is on "Edit Sprint", then the highlighting should on "Edit Sprint"
                • if the cursor is on "Move Sprint down", then the highlighting should on "Move Sprint down"
                • etc...

                Actual Behavior

                The highlighting is not following the curstor and gets stuck.

                For example, when the cursor is hovering from the top to the bottom of this menu, and then backup, the highlighting gets stuck on the option located at the bottom, which is "Delete Sprint".


                Upgrade Jira Software to the most recent LTS release (9.12.x).

                        4e432536cf93 Karol Skwierawski
                        jrey Julien Rey
                        0 Vote for this issue
                        1 Start watching this issue


                              4e432536cf93 Karol Skwierawski
                              jrey Julien Rey
                              Affected customers:
                              0 This affects my team
                              1 Start watching this issue
