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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-25504

Allow Jira administrators to resend the timezone mismatch banner to users who have mismatched timezones.



    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.



      Jira will no longer prompt the timezone mismatch notification if a user dismisses it.

      This can be seen by changing the timezone on your computer or browser to one that differs from the timezone defined in Jira's user preferences and then dismissing the notification.

      To verify this, you can run the following query to see which users have dismissed the timezone. 

      select * from propertyentry left join propertytext on propertytext.id = propertyentry.id  
      left join app_user  on app_user.id = entity_id 
      where property_key ='com.atlassian.jira.flag.dismissals' and propertyvalue like '%tzdetect%'


      The results may look like this:

      • It is also important to note that if a user selects a timezone via the mismatch warning, their username will be returned in this query. This is not a sure way to identify which users dismiss the timezone mismatch notification.
      10801	ApplicationUser	10100	com.atlassian.jira.flag.dismissals	6	10801	{"com.atlassian.jira.tzdetect.-28800000,-25200000":1704996244337}	10100	JIRAUSER10100	test-user1


      Suggested Solution

      Allow administrators to reset flag dismissals so that users with mismatched time zones so that users can be reminded of their timezone mismatch.

      Why This Is Important

      • Due dates and deadlines will be accurate if you work on a worldwide team and everyone sets their time zone to their local time zone. This implies that if a job is due at 5 p.m. in New York, a team member in London or Tokyo will see it as expected at the correct local time.
      • When everyone's timezone is set correctly, it's easier to collaborate in real-time. You know when your teammates will likely be online and available for collaboration.
      • When time zones are set correctly, reporting is also more accurate. You can track how long it took to resolve an issue from when it was reported, regardless of where the reporter and resolver are located.
      • Notification Timing: Notifications and reminders are sent based on the user's timezone. If the timezone is incorrect, users may receive notifications at inconvenient times.
      • It helps to avoid confusion and misunderstandings regarding deadlines and meeting times among team members working in different time zones.


      • Create an announcement banner to remind users to verify their timezone settings in Jira and browser/computer.
        • The shortfall is that the banner will appear for every user logging into Jira, not just those with mismatching time zones.
      • Manipulate the database by deleting the propertyvalue tzdetect for property_key matching com.atlassian.jira.flag.dismissals
        • This is not advised and should only be evaluated and tested in a test setting. It is unknown what further consequences these changes may have in Jira.
        • Always back up your data before making any changes in the database!
          DELETE FROM propertyentry 
          WHERE id IN (
              SELECT propertyentry.id 
              FROM propertyentry 
              LEFT JOIN propertytext ON propertytext.id = propertyentry.id  
              LEFT JOIN app_user ON app_user.id = entity_id 
              WHERE property_key ='com.atlassian.jira.flag.dismissals' 
              AND propertyvalue LIKE '%tzdetect%'





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