Issue Summary

      When a quick filter hides stories under epic or subtasks under story, user will hit the following Javascript error when editing the issue using edit action on right tab panel on story/subtask:

      An error occurredHide…
      Please try refreshing the page, or contact your administrator / Atlassian Support if the problem continues.
      Exception: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'columnId')
      Line: 6513
      Column: 5887

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Add a new quick filter:
        type not in (Sub-task)
      2. Open Active Sprints and select the quick filter:
      3. Click "SCRUM-10" parent issue to open the issue details panel on the right side.
      4. Look for the Sub-Tasks section in the issue details panel and edit the subtask issue.
      5. Modify any fields value in the edit issue screen and click Update button.
      6. User received the following Javascripts errors even though the issue update was succeeded:

      Video recording

      Expected Results

      There shouldn't be any Javascript errors happening. If does not allow, Jira should warn the user that they have a Quick Filter blocking the request.

      Actual Results

      User get the following error message that caused by the Javascript errors.


      • Ignore the error message and close it.
      • Remove the quick filter or use another JQL query that made the condition.

            [JSWSERVER-25501] Quick Filter caused javascript errors

            No work has yet been logged on this issue.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              ckimloong John Chin
              Affected customers:
              6 This affects my team
              8 Start watching this issue
