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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-25240

Team field is not properly set after converting a sub-task to an issue


      As covered in JPOSERVER-1847 the team field is a non-standard field type specific to Advanced roadmaps, and as a result, the Team value when added to a subtask is inherited from the parent issue it is associated with and will display the parent issue team value on the child subtask. However when converting a sub-task to a standard issue type the team value is removed from the issue and no issue history change item is noted that the value was removed or that the value was previously set due to the place holder nature of the inherited value

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an issue
      2. Assign a team to the issue
      3. Create a subtask for that issue (Note the team field is populated with the same team as the parent automatically)
      4. On the subtask issue view screen
        • Select MORE > Convert to issue
        • Follow prompts to convert to a story
        • Note that the prompts at step 3 of 4 will either display "All fields will be updated automatically" OR will list fields that can have a value set, but does not note the Team Field as a configurable field option to change the existing value at this step in the conversion and step 4 of 4 confirmation of changes page also does not show the team field value will be removed.

      Expected Results

      Either the change history item shows the field is cleared at step 4 indicating a new team needs to be selected, OR the team field is listed as a configurable field in step 3 of 4 to choose a new value for the field

      Actual Results

      Field is cleared and no change history item noted on the issue history tabs


      Either manually set a new team OR autoschedule to have a team calculated for the issue fter converting

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
            1. Jira Software Data Center
            2. JSWSERVER-25240

            Team field is not properly set after converting a sub-task to an issue


                As covered in JPOSERVER-1847 the team field is a non-standard field type specific to Advanced roadmaps, and as a result, the Team value when added to a subtask is inherited from the parent issue it is associated with and will display the parent issue team value on the child subtask. However when converting a sub-task to a standard issue type the team value is removed from the issue and no issue history change item is noted that the value was removed or that the value was previously set due to the place holder nature of the inherited value

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Create an issue
                2. Assign a team to the issue
                3. Create a subtask for that issue (Note the team field is populated with the same team as the parent automatically)
                4. On the subtask issue view screen
                  • Select MORE > Convert to issue
                  • Follow prompts to convert to a story
                  • Note that the prompts at step 3 of 4 will either display "All fields will be updated automatically" OR will list fields that can have a value set, but does not note the Team Field as a configurable field option to change the existing value at this step in the conversion and step 4 of 4 confirmation of changes page also does not show the team field value will be removed.

                Expected Results

                Either the change history item shows the field is cleared at step 4 indicating a new team needs to be selected, OR the team field is listed as a configurable field in step 3 of 4 to choose a new value for the field

                Actual Results

                Field is cleared and no change history item noted on the issue history tabs


                Either manually set a new team OR autoschedule to have a team calculated for the issue fter converting

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
                        10 Vote for this issue
                        8 Start watching this issue


                              Unassigned Unassigned
                              emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
                              Affected customers:
                              10 This affects my team
                              8 Start watching this issue
