Resolution: Fixed
Medium (View bug fix roadmap)
Severity 2 - Major
Issue Summary
After upgrading jira server version to 9.7.0 hash routers stopped working.
This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes) / (no)
Steps to Reproduce
- create a Jira server plugin
- add a hash router
<web-section key="project-configuration-section" location="atl.jira.proj.config" weight="300"> </web-section> <web-item key="project-configuration-item" section="atl.jira.proj.config/project-configuration-section"> <label key="project.section.title"/> <link linkId="configuration_area">/secure/TestManagementProjectSettings.jspa?projectKey=$project.key#/project-settings</link> </web-item>
$webResourceManager.requireResourcesForContext("<className>") <script> window.location.hash = "/project-settings"; </script>
Expected Results
The router should work as usual
Actual Results
Routing doe not happen
As a quick workaround, you can implement the following code just before your HashRouter on the sides connected to the sidebar but not connected to the Board or Backlog page:
(function (history, $) { if (!$) { console.log('Couldn`t apply workaround for JSW History: jQuery is required'); } const applyWorkaround = () => { $(window).off('popstate', undefined, history.onPopState); history.Adapter.trigger = () => { console.log('bypassing History.trigger...') }; history.onPopState = () => { console.log('bypassing History onPopState...') }; } if (!history || !history.Adapter) { $(applyWorkaround); } else { applyWorkaround(); } })(window.History, window.jQuery);
This temporary solution will remain in place until we introduce a proper solution.
- is related to
ECOHELP-17229 Failed to load
- is resolved by
MNSTR-6548 You do not have permission to view this issue
- relates to
ECOHELP-15093 Loading...
ECOHELP-15615 Loading...
JSEV-3205 Loading...
Routing not working on Jira 9.7.0
Issue Summary
After upgrading jira server version to 9.7.0 hash routers stopped working.
This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes) / (no)
Steps to Reproduce
- create a Jira server plugin
- add a hash router
<web-section key="project-configuration-section" location="atl.jira.proj.config" weight="300"> </web-section> <web-item key="project-configuration-item" section="atl.jira.proj.config/project-configuration-section"> <label key="project.section.title"/> <link linkId="configuration_area">/secure/TestManagementProjectSettings.jspa?projectKey=$project.key#/project-settings</link> </web-item>
$webResourceManager.requireResourcesForContext("<className>") <script> window.location.hash = "/project-settings"; </script>
Expected Results
The router should work as usual
Actual Results
Routing doe not happen
As a quick workaround, you can implement the following code just before your HashRouter on the sides connected to the sidebar but not connected to the Board or Backlog page:
(function (history, $) { if (!$) { console.log('Couldn`t apply workaround for JSW History: jQuery is required'); } const applyWorkaround = () => { $(window).off('popstate', undefined, history.onPopState); history.Adapter.trigger = () => { console.log('bypassing History.trigger...') }; history.onPopState = () => { console.log('bypassing History onPopState...') }; } if (!history || !history.Adapter) { $(applyWorkaround); } else { applyWorkaround(); } })(window.History, window.jQuery);
This temporary solution will remain in place until we introduce a proper solution.
- is related to
ECOHELP-17229 Loading...
- is resolved by
MNSTR-6548 Loading...
- relates to
ECOHELP-15093 Loading...
ECOHELP-15615 Loading...
JSEV-3205 Loading...