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Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-21588

Jira user browser is slow when filtering on a group with large memberships


      Visiting https://baseURL/secure/admin/user/UserBrowser.jspa takes more than 2 minutes to display results.It's too slow for daily usage and causes a timeout if Jira have a reverse proxy in front.


      Jira 8.20.11 core

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Link Jira to a large user directory having for instance:
      1. Import 86k users and 1600 groups to OpenLDAP.
      2. Assign 26k+ users to jira-servicedesk-users group.
      3. Sync ldap users.
      4. Go to https://BaseURL/jira/secure/admin/user/UserBrowser.jspa
      5. Pick "JIRA Service Management" from the Application Access field and click the filter button.

      Note: The number of users in jira-servicedesk-users is not as relevant as the number of users and groups in the system.

      Expected Results

      Jira will return the result in a reasonable amount of time with paginated results

      Actual Results

      Jira takes too long to retrieve the users result , running an average of 86072 SQL queries , even the queries execution doesn't exceed 11 seconds the results are only displayed after approximately 2 minutes


      • Raise the reverse proxy timeout to a larger value
      • If possible ,reduce the number of users/memberships


            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
            1. Jira Software Data Center
            2. JSWSERVER-21588

            Jira user browser is slow when filtering on a group with large memberships


                Visiting https://baseURL/secure/admin/user/UserBrowser.jspa takes more than 2 minutes to display results.It's too slow for daily usage and causes a timeout if Jira have a reverse proxy in front.


                Jira 8.20.11 core

                Steps to Reproduce

                • Link Jira to a large user directory having for instance:
                1. Import 86k users and 1600 groups to OpenLDAP.
                2. Assign 26k+ users to jira-servicedesk-users group.
                3. Sync ldap users.
                4. Go to https://BaseURL/jira/secure/admin/user/UserBrowser.jspa
                5. Pick "JIRA Service Management" from the Application Access field and click the filter button.

                Note: The number of users in jira-servicedesk-users is not as relevant as the number of users and groups in the system.

                Expected Results

                Jira will return the result in a reasonable amount of time with paginated results

                Actual Results

                Jira takes too long to retrieve the users result , running an average of 86072 SQL queries , even the queries execution doesn't exceed 11 seconds the results are only displayed after approximately 2 minutes


                • Raise the reverse proxy timeout to a larger value
                • If possible ,reduce the number of users/memberships


                        a9ec86424806 Dino Costantini
                        f0ea184c9b1c Mohamed Kouki
                        24 Vote for this issue
                        18 Start watching this issue


                              a9ec86424806 Dino Costantini
                              f0ea184c9b1c Mohamed Kouki
                              Affected customers:
                              24 This affects my team
                              18 Start watching this issue
