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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-20837

Completing subtasks in parent task cause Javascript error on Active Sprint


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: High High
    • 8.16.0
    • 8.15.0
    • Sprint

      Issue Summary

      If a user completes all the subtasks under a parent task, Jira throws a Javascript error instead of "Move to done" pop up.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Sprint on a board.
      2. Create a parent issue and subtask under the issue.
      3. Start the Sprint
      4. From Active Sprint view, drag the subtask under the parent task to right most column.

      Video: JSWSERVER-20837.webm

      Expected Results

      Jira shows "Move to done" popup to ask if the user would like to move the parent task to the right most column (done column).

      Actual Results

      Jira shows the following Javascript error:

      In Google Chrome

      Stack trace
      TypeError: i(...).html is not a function
      at Object.o.showDialog (http://jira.maeve.com/vicky/s/91dc5346f12ccff724bf6e2fba7b16ab-CDN/suo2v6/815001/6411e0087192541a09d88223fb51a6a0/bd395930f8ed93ae280f8b25b772c4b2/_/download/contextbatch/js/gh-rapid-work,greenhopper-rapid-non-gadget,jira.project.sidebar,jira.global,atl.general,com.atlassian.jira.projects.sidebar.init,-_super/batch.js?agile_global_admin_condition=true&baseurl-check-resources=true&flexboards=true&healthcheck-resources=true&jag=true&jaguser=true&locale=en-MY&whisper-enabled=true:6834:301)
      at Object. (http://jira.maeve.com/vicky/s/91dc5346f12ccff724bf6e2fba7b16ab-CDN/suo2v6/815001/6411e0087192541a09d88223fb51a6a0/bd395930f8ed93ae280f8b25b772c4b2/_/download/contextbatch/js/gh-rapid-work,greenhopper-rapid-non-gadget,jira.project.sidebar,jira.global,atl.general,com.atlassian.jira.projects.sidebar.init,-_super/batch.js?agile_global_admin_condition=true&baseurl-check-resources=true&flexboards=true&healthcheck-resources=true&jag=true&jaguser=true&locale=en-MY&whisper-enabled=true:6892:9778)

      In Safari

      Exception: TypeError: i(".aui-blanket").html is not a function. (In 'i(".aui-blanket").html('')', 'i(".aui-blanket").html' is undefined)


      Dismiss the Javascript error, refresh the page and the user can move the parent issue to the right most column manually.

        1. JSWSERVER-20837.webm
          3.77 MB
          Vicknesh Shanmugam

              dborshchov Dmytro Borshchov
              vshanmugam Vicknesh Shanmugam (Inactive)
              6 Vote for this issue
              41 Start watching this issue
