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IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

      Burndown chart is missing issues when issue is transitioned in the same second that issue was created.

      Steps to reproduce:
      1. create issue and immediately transition it to other status (eg. by using rest API, Automation) so that transition happens in the same second that the issue was created in
      2. use issue in the sprint
      3. close sprint
      4. go to burndown chart - the issue is not in the "start sprint" row

      Actual behaviour

      1. Issue was missing from the Burndown Chart but not Sprint Report. The issue key will appear after issue was resolved and Sprint was ended.
      2. Story points was not calculated in the Burndown Chart.

      Expected behaviour
      Issue is included in the "start sprint" row

      Possible workaround

      1. Backup JIRA
      2. Update the "created" field of offending changegroup and jiraissue
        alter table jiraissue modify column created datetime(3);
        alter table changegroup modify column created datetime(3);

        The SQL query is applicable for MySQL database.
         The column names are case insensitive in MySQL, but some third-party tool may store cached column names in uppercase ("CREATED"), ex. Power BI reporting tools. This will not cause any problems for Jira, but may require some schema refresh for this tools.

      1. Restart JIRA
      2. Reindex instance

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

              • Icon: Bug Bug
              • Resolution: Unresolved
              • Icon: Medium Medium
              • None
              • 7.1.4, 8.3.1, 8.18.2
              • AgileBoard

                Burndown chart is missing issues when issue is transitioned in the same second that issue was created.

                Steps to reproduce:
                1. create issue and immediately transition it to other status (eg. by using rest API, Automation) so that transition happens in the same second that the issue was created in
                2. use issue in the sprint
                3. close sprint
                4. go to burndown chart - the issue is not in the "start sprint" row

                Actual behaviour

                1. Issue was missing from the Burndown Chart but not Sprint Report. The issue key will appear after issue was resolved and Sprint was ended.
                2. Story points was not calculated in the Burndown Chart.

                Expected behaviour
                Issue is included in the "start sprint" row

                Possible workaround

                1. Backup JIRA
                2. Update the "created" field of offending changegroup and jiraissue
                  alter table jiraissue modify column created datetime(3);
                  alter table changegroup modify column created datetime(3);

                  The SQL query is applicable for MySQL database.
                   The column names are case insensitive in MySQL, but some third-party tool may store cached column names in uppercase ("CREATED"), ex. Power BI reporting tools. This will not cause any problems for Jira, but may require some schema refresh for this tools.

                1. Restart JIRA
                2. Reindex instance

                        979f48a052ab Andrew Nepyivoda (Inactive)
                        tkanafa Tomasz Kanafa
                        29 Vote for this issue
                        36 Start watching this issue


                              979f48a052ab Andrew Nepyivoda (Inactive)
                              tkanafa Tomasz Kanafa
                              Affected customers:
                              29 This affects my team
                              36 Start watching this issue
