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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-12881

Missing translations creates duplicate resolutions


      JIRA Administration > System > Default language: "German (Germany)"

      If you create a new project of the project type "Scrum" in a new installation, this will also create the following resolutions:

      • Fertig
      • Won't Do
      • Duplikat
      • Kann nicht reproduziert werden
      • Done

      Fertig = Done

      You then create a project of type "Task Management", you get the following list of resolutions:

      • Fertig
      • Won't Do
      • Duplikat
      • Kann nicht reproduziert werden
      • Done
      • Reicht nicht

      Incidentally, it is very disadvantageous if you adjust (delete, rename) the resolutions to your needs. Creating new projects added resolutions again and again.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              6ee6928b6817 Detlef Steinhäuser [Communardo]
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