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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-68179

Include joda 2.10.5 in Jira



      Currently, Jira includes joda 2.8.x, which does not include the updates for daylight saving time on Brazil (starting Nov 4 this year).

      This causes Jira to display date fields incorrectly, since the daylight saving rule is outdated.


      • Any Jira environment using the America/São Paulo timezone

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Start Jira in any version
      2. Make sure to use the America/São Paulo timezone
      3. Create an issue

      Expected Results

      Jira will display the created date correctly, following the rules for the America/São Paulo timezone.

      Actual Results

      Jira will display the date with 1 hour difference, since it is applying the daylight saving incorrectly


      1. Replacing the joda jar file at $JIRA_INSTALL/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/lib, which could have some problems in other places as we haven't tested it thoroughly
      2. Replacing the tz files as suggested in https://www.joda.org/joda-time/tz_update.html

      It's also necessary to update Java's tz with tzupdater since Jira uses both Joda and Java's times:

            mzyromski Mikolaj Zyromski
            rrosa@atlassian.com Rodrigo Rosa
            4 Vote for this issue
            15 Start watching this issue
