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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-26330

Creating branch in a site with multiple connected orgs OR repositories does not list all repositories


      Issue Summary

      When you browse to an issue key and click Create Branch within the Development field, you get redirected to this endpoint https://github.atlassian.com/github/create-branch?issueKey=ProjectKey-ID&... to get a branch created in GitHub.

      Even though this organization and repository exist; backfilled is already completed, when you search for the repository you won't find it due to GitHub secondary rate limiting issues on the backend caused by having multiple (100+) connected organizations on your site.

      Steps to Reproduce

      Scenario #1:

      1. Add more than 100 connected organizations to your site using GitHub for Jira app. 
      2. Wait for the backfill process to be completed.
      3. Open a Jira issue and click 'Create Branch' within the Development field.
      4. Search for a few random organizations and repositories (it might not reproduce for all repositories)

      Scenario #2:

      1. Have more than 100 repositories connected to your site using GitHub for Jira app
      2. Open a Jira issue and click 'Create Branch' within the Development field.
      3. Search for a few random organizations and repositories (it might not reproduce for all repositories)

      Expected Results

      Organization and repository are listed and I can select it.

      Actual Results

      No results are found.


      Create a branch in GitHub and add the issue key to the branch name.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            171374dfd069 Wagner Santos (Inactive)
            2 Vote for this issue
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