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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-25335

Clicking the Looking for an older issue? link returns an invalid JQL search if content contains an ampersand


      Issue Summary

      When a project, sprint, or other searchable JQL data contains an ampersand and is included in a board's filter query, clicking on the Looking for an older issue? link on a board will redirect the user to the Issue Navigator results, but the JQL is truncated at the ampersand and returns an invalid query response.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Project, Sprint, or other entry that contains an ampersand (&)
      2. Reference the above entry on the Board Filter Query in a project's Kanban Board
        • Example: project = "Project & Ampersand & Others" ORDER BY Rank ASC
      3. Set a Sub-filter on the board, which then allows you to set the Hide complete issues older than field (ex: set this to 2 weeks)
      4. Return to the board, and click on the Looking for an older issue? link
      5. When redirected to the Issue navigator page, the URL is broken at the ampersand because the URL used to search is not encoding the link

      Expected Results

      The JQL should return as ran in the board's filter query to include the status clicked on from the board column:

      Actual Results

      The Issue Navigator is displayed, with a syntax error similar to the below:

      Error in the JQL Query: The quoted string 'Project ' has not been completed. (line 1, character 13) 

      The browser's Developer Tools shows this data response for the attempted JQL search:

      jql: project = "Project 
       Ampersand : 
       Others" AND (fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY) AND status :  "10005" AND NOT (updated >= -2w OR statusCategory != Done) ORDER BY Rank ASC 


      Similar to https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-74062, referencing the item's ID (project ID/sprint ID, etc.) in place of the full item name in the board filter query allows the link to work as expected.

            22883266554f Tanvee Islam
            0c5899a89788 Donald Wright
            5 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
