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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-23967

Time tracking date format inconsistent in backlog screen for team-managed projects


      Issue Summary

      When the Time tracking global settings in Jira is set to display the Time in "Hours", the total sprint original estimate displayed on the Backlog screen continues to display the time in "Days" format.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to Settings > Issues > Time tracking 
      2. Ensure the time tracking provider is set to "Jira provided time tracking"
      3. Click the Edit global settings button and set the Time display format to "Hours".
      4. Create a team-managed project in Jira.
      5. Enable the Backlog and Estimation features from the Project Settings' Features page.
      6. For the Estimation feature, set the estimation option under  to use Time instead of Story points.
      7. Create and add a few test issues to your backlog. Add some data to the original estimate field.
      8. Review the format of the time displayed on the Backlog tab. 

      Expected Results

      The time format of the original estimate is displayed in "Hours" as per the format selected in Global time tracking settings

      Actual Results

      The time format continues to display in "Days" format


      Switching to a different tab and then back seems to correct the time format displayed. However, reloading the page will cause the incorrect format to be displayed again.

        1. image-2023-01-18-14-18-51-971.png
          98 kB
          Ani Gurudutt
        2. Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 2.19.34 pm.png
          60 kB
          Ani Gurudutt
        3. Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 2.25.35 pm.png
          87 kB
          Ani Gurudutt
        4. Screenshot 2023-01-18 at 2.25.58 pm.png
          112 kB
          Ani Gurudutt

            779c84f46df5 Chaitra Doddegowda
            cfc4ca56b4f8 Ani Gurudutt
            3 Vote for this issue
            12 Start watching this issue
