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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-23756

Quick Filter not being applied consistently when reloading board by pasting URL on a new browser Tab




      Issue Summary

      When we enter on a board and apply a quick filter (on this case, issues assigned to me), copy its board URL (e.g https://imcfm.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/DSF/boards/679) and paste it into a new tab the same board URL, it will load the board with the filter applied (even without the parameter ?quickFilter=3336 at the end). Even if this is the expected outcome, there are times when copying and pasting this same URL, it won't load the page with the filter applied, so it is not a consistent behavior. After some time, we are able to paste the same URL and it will load normally without any filters applied. This behavior is not consistent as there are some times I have waited for a long time and the filter did came up all times I've tried.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Steps to Reproduce with expected result: https://share.getcloudapp.com/mXu20Kgy
      2. Steps to Reproduce with Exception result: https://transfer.atlassian.com/preview/5529709/attachment/7377e1a0-b994-4e39-a71d-74553e5425b1

      Expected Results

      It should return the board with the filter being applied and also with filter being highlighted so they know there is a filter on the board. This should be a consistent behavior.

      Actual Results

      Board will return most of the times with filter being applied correctly, but other times it will return without the filter, so the customers will have a wrong view on the issues.


      The current workaround is to re-apply the filters manually, or to fully reload the page so the board will be reloaded without any filters.


        Issue Links



              Unassigned Unassigned
              fb70dbb86db0 Antonio Carlos
              2 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

