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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-23727

Wildcard-Search again (JRACLOUD-6218)


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      The wildcard WAS an open topic on the server version. There it was fixed. Then we planned to switch JIRA, but posteponed this step. Now we are willing to switch, but the server is discontinued. So we said: OK just use the cloud. But now, this feature ist not implemented in the cloud solution.  Lot's of question marks apperaed. Cloud and Server have different backends? Are there more differences in detail? 

      How does it work? As Jira-Tikets are also a knowledge base I do not understand that I cannot search like google.  The referred ticked pointed to a technical problem with the database. Than the technology must be enabled. 


      Just try to find all tickes that are related to '{}reports*'{*} that are  added in the description and located in different modules/components. 
      I just like to type such a string into the filter instead of typung a script or sepcial  select statement. 

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            fca83548336c steffen.rabe@rib-software.com
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