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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-22505

When running a Automation Rule in Jira Cloud containing "Send Email" Component -> TO & CC e-mail addresses don't show up correctly at destination


      Issue Summary

      Creating an Automation Rule in the JIRA cloud and adding the "Send Email" Component to it, where "To" is set to USER1 email and "CC" Is set to USER2. The email received by USER1 shows up just fine, but the USER2 in CC will have an incorrect context of the email where "To" and "CC" will be changed to USER2.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Basic Automation Rule.
      2. Add the "SEND EMAIL" component.
      3. Use 2 email addresses USER1 and USER2. Add USER1 in the "To" Field and USER2 in the "CC" field.
      4. Add some Body to the email.
      5. Trigger the Automation.

      Expected Results

      USER1 should receive the email as:

      FROM: Automation for JIRA
      To: USER1
      CC: USER2
      Subject: Testing, Testing...

      BODY: .....

      USER2 should also receive the email as:

      FROM: Automation for JIRA
      To: USER1
      CC: USER2
      Subject: Testing, Testing...

      BODY: .....

      Actual Results

      USER1 receives the email Correctly:

      FROM: Automation for JIRA
      To: USER1
      CC: USER2
      Subject: Testing, Testing...

      BODY: .....

      USER2 receives the email as:

      FROM: Automation for JIRA
      To: USER2
      CC: USER2
      Subject: Testing, Testing...

      BODY: .....


      • A fix for this issue is "In Progress". Will update the BUG Ticket as soon as the fix is deployed.

            andreask@atlassian.com Andreas Knecht (Inactive)
            1846b5d55690 Vaibhav Revankar
            8 Vote for this issue
            15 Start watching this issue
