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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-21569

Jira Board shows the Only my Issues active but does not apply that Quick Filter to the board


      Issue Summary

      When clicking into a notification from an issue that is part of a board, if you go back to the board, it'll display as the Only My Issues quick filter is active but this Quick filter is not applied to the board.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Activate the Only My Issues on the board
      2. Access an email notification from a Jira issue and click on the link
      3. A Jira ticket will appear. Click to go back to the board

      Video: Recording #79.mp4

      Expected Results

      The Only My Issues should be kept

      Actual Results

      The Only My Issues quick filter is active but this Quick filter is not applied to the board.


      Click on Only My Issues twice to apply that Quick Filter

        1. Recording #79.mp4
          848 kB
          Henrique Pchara

            be7705a38436 Siddak Bakshi
            hpchara Henrique Pchara (Inactive)
            4 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
