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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-20988

Quick Filter action not working after navigating to a Dashboard and coming back


      Issue Summary

      Quick Filter action not working after navigating to a Dashboard and coming back to the Project board using the Search bar recent option

      Steps to Reproduce

      Test 1:
      1) Navigate to a Project Board
      2) Select any of the existing QF
      3) Navigate to a Dashboard
      4) Then navigate back to the previous project board by clicking the search bar and selecting the board under recent project boards

      Expected Results

      The project board has the Quick filter selected and the correct issues listed

      Actual Results

      The Quick filter will be shown as highlighted however the issue records do not coincide with it:



      You will need to fully refresh the web browser so it can trigger the quick filter selected

        1. JRACLOUD-75575.webm
          3.02 MB
          Fabian A
        2. Quickfilters.mp4
          904 kB

            be7705a38436 Siddak Bakshi
            falfaro@atlassian.com Fabian A
            54 Vote for this issue
            52 Start watching this issue
