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  1. Jira Software Cloud
  2. JSWCLOUD-17392 Team-managed software projects
  3. JSWCLOUD-18643

When migrating between next-gen and classic projects Epic links info is lost and instead conversion should automatically maintain this data link between project types


    • Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Atlassian status as of August 2020

      Hello all,

      Thank you for watching, voting, and commenting on this ticket.

      Now, when you are moving epic(s) from a classic to a next-gen project (or vice versa), you would get a prompt asking if you would like to move the child issues along with the epic(s). The prompt wouldn’t show up if you are already moving all the child issues along with their respective epics at the same time.

      Likewise, if you are moving child issue(s) and they have a linked epic, then you will get a warning to tell you that the child issues will lose their epic link.

      Example screenshots:

      (when moving epics without their children issues)

      (when moving children issues without their epic(s))

      We are closing this ticket as resolved. If you feel this issue hasn’t been fully addressed, kindly tell us more about your use case.

      Thank you,
      Emily Chan
      Product Manager, Atlassian.

      Problem Definition

      Presently, anytime you convert a project between Next-gen and classic (or vice versa) the epic relationship between the epic and the children issues is not kept. This is documented in https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftwarecloud/migrate-from-an-next-gen-project-to-a-classic-project-957974933.html

      Epics: Jira moves your epics across if you map them to an epic issue type in your new project. But, you'll lose the relationship between your epics and their child issues. The child issues themselves will sill exist, but the links between them won't.

      Suggested Solution

      The process to convert between these projects should be able to maintain that relationship between epic and issues in that epic.

      Why this is important

      Data is lost when converting due to this missing ability.



        1. screenshot-2.png
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        2. screenshot-1.png
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            echan@atlassian.com Emily Chan (Inactive)
            aheinzer Andy Heinzer
            7 Vote for this issue
            15 Start watching this issue
