Resolution: Done
Hello everyone!
We’ve now rolled out the ability to hide done epics on your roadmap in both Classic and Next-gen projects! 🎉
You can find the documentation on how to use this feature here:
As always, we’re eager to hear about how you’re using these new features, so please let us know how you go.
Thanks so much,
Pete Morris
Atlassian Product Manager
Problem Description
Done Epics in Roadmap are always being shown. As a user, I'd like to hide those Done Epics after 14 days of inactivity automatically and can still be found by searching for them (just like Next-gen boards)
Suggested Resolution
Hide Done Epics in Roadmap after 14 days of inactivity
- is related to
JRACLOUD-91598 Classic Software Roadmap - Default filters
- Closed
JRACLOUD-91490 Enable Default filters for Roadmaps (simple)
- Gathering Interest
- mentioned in
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[JSWCLOUD-17996] Hide Done Epics in Roadmap
Hi Jacob,
Would you be able to open a support ticket specifically for your issue?
I think it would be for the best as we'd be able to look at your problem in more depth.
Any help on the below?
What about this issue? Surely there has to be a solution? Our teams have a massive level of output and without the roadmap this whole thing is almost useless.
Project exceeds issue or epic limit
If your project contains more than 3000 issues or 300 epics, the roadmap won’t display.
There’s a filter built into the roadmap, and it automatically exclude epics, if:
- The epic was moved to the Done status category more than a year ago.
- The epic was moved to the Done status category_,_ and it has a due date from more than a year ago.
It's good practice to set due dates on your epics, so you’re reminded to mark them as done or adjust the due date. You can find the Due date field within the issue view of the epic.
What about this issue? Surely there has to be a solution? Our teams have a massive level of output and without the roadmap this whole thing is almost useless.
Project exceeds issue or epic limit
If your project contains more than 3000 issues or 300 epics, the roadmap won’t display.
There’s a filter built into the roadmap, and it automatically exclude epics, if:
- The epic was moved to the Done status category more than a year ago.
- The epic was moved to the Done status category_,_ and it has a due date from more than a year ago.
It's good practice to set due dates on your epics, so you’re reminded to mark them as done or adjust the due date. You can find the Due date field within the issue view of the epic.
The solution doesn't solve this problem though?
Too many issues to display the roadmap
Your roadmap isn't available because the project contains over 3000 issues. You must reduce the number of issues to continue using your roadmap."
I took Next Gen project in use for continuous software development of a software that already has 20 years of history and still has up to 5 version releases per year. We design features (Epics) for each upcoming release and schedule them in Roadmap based on development resources and other factors. The roadmap is a perfect tool for this for one release, but after that it's pretty much useless. I also want to export the roadmap at arbitrary development stages for marketing purposes, so automatically disappearing Epics is definitely not a welcome feature unless it's behind an option!
What I really need is to be able to filter the roadmap by Fix Version, or that the Epics of released versions would not appear in roadmap. Both of these features should make perfect sense without compromising anyone's use cases, and I'd imagine implementing them should be next to trivial. Please consider as urgent request.
Wow Sergej, thanks so much for this!! This means that a bulk change to issues that come under this filter:
project = [myproject] and issuetype = epic and "Epic Status" != DONE and status = done ORDER BY created DESC
will remove all the Done Epics from the roadmap!!
This is exactly what I needed, albeit not an obvious workaround, as there is more than one way to mark an Epic as Done.
There is a way to hide the done epics on the Roadmap (classic project, cloud version):
- Go to the Backlog and open the Epics panel
- Click on the Colour selector
- Click Mark as Done (this will change the Epic Status to Done)
- Epic will disappear from both the Epics panel and the Roadmap
The process of getting the Epic to appear again is quite complex, so be careful that you don't close any by mistake. If you want to get the Epic back, you have to go to the issue navigator and use Bulk change to change the Epic Status field (it is not visible in the regular fields view). https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Mark-Epic-as-Done-how-to-undo/qaq-p/398458
For us the simple fix of just having In Progress and Done preselected does not work, because it also hides all Done issues inside In Progress epics. So when you expand issues of one epic, some of them are hidden. Which brings even more confusion.
If the filter affected only epics, and not issues, then this would work.
Agree with Bryan. I cannot understand why completed epics still visible on the roadmap.
The solution proposed will affect not only completed epics but also others, this is very confusing and unnecessary in my opinion.
The thing is it's not just filtering them. If you reach 300 epics, the roadmap itself breaks. You cannot see anything. And no, you can't even change the filter.
^^^^ Couldn't agree more with you Bryan Davies. This is a simple and (you'd think) quick fix to remove an annoying step that everyone does whenever they open the roadmap view or they just get lazy and live with the annoyance of the clutter.
A simple fix would be to have the default filter be on Todo and InProgress when you open the page. Hide the done. Why bother with magically removing epics after 14 days? That will be confusing.
To make this feature dead simple, make the default filter of showing only ToDo and InProgress system wide. Make it a user set preference later on. I'm suggesting this simple fix because the first thing everyone does when the open the road map is open the filter drop down and check on Todo And InProgress, so the quicker the fix the better.
Please add a button to clear done epics from roadmap. We have quite a few project with roadmaps that have hit the limit.
We have few dozen of DONE Epics and a couple of IN PROGRESS.
This makes the Roadmap unusable.
I would like the option to be able to mark Epic as Done and show as Done on Roadmap (current functionality) and a seperate option to remove the Done Epic from the Roadmap (required functionality).
This way I can remove the Epics completed some time ago and keep newly completed Epics available in review.
Not comfortable with Epics being removed from Roadmap at a set date not determined by me - very confusing.
The ability to show/hide storys/tasks/bugs should be seperate to Epic display as I'd like to show these as Done within Epics still in progress.
Even just a default filter that is applied when viewing the roadmap. I hate that I have to filter it every time I go to the page.
Waiting on this for classic and nextgen projects. Don't worry about the 14 days, hide it as soon as I mark it "DONE"!
Whatever the solution will be, please implement it for classic projects as well.
Ability to mark individual epic(s) that should or should not be in the roadmap widget for confluence/Jira
+1 - this would make an enormous difference to our working methods. Please implement!
Exactly as Gisli says, this needs a solution and would prefer a designed solution over replicating an automation in a different part of the tool that solves a different problem.
Any news on this? It would be neat to be able to simply archive the done Epics instead of hiding them after an arbitrary 14 day period as the proposed solution says.
roadmap view is basically unusable unless you can remove done epics from view.
I also would love to see this feature working. It makes to roadmap difficult to use if the old Epics are still there taking space.
The best might be to have an button to show all done Epics when needed, but keep them hidden by default?
@Chris Gillis
Yes but you have to do it every single time (you could save a link to avoid it, but not when you embed the roadmap in a Confluence page), and it doesn't work when a task is still not set as Done even if the Epic is.
Can you please do this one ASAP – this makes our roadmap unreadable.
How is this not done already? This thread in the community is one of many I found when looking for solutions: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-questions/When-an-epic-is-complete-on-a-Next-Gen-project-how-do-you-remove/qaq-p/1021371
These requests have been around for years at this point, and would be something the entire user base would benefit from.
Erika – if we can't hide Epics, can we archive Epics as part of the option to do so?
Unless hide/archive seems to functioning the same way.
Please advise.
This would be very helpful! Currently I'm deleting epics after they get done but it's not sustainable...
Knowing Atlassian: they will only add this feature to their very expensive premium roadmap feature set...
Forcing you to upgrade all of your users to the expensive premium plan, even tough only 1 or 2 users in your company will use the roadmap...
Hi everyone,
This is Erika, PM for the roadmap team. Firstly I'd like to apologise to everyone for the delay with this work. We’re acutely aware that this is a really annoying problem for the roadmap customers today. Please know this is on our radar, but we can't comment on an exact time when it will be available. If you have any more feedbacks or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me at esa@atlassian.com.
Erika Sa
Atlassian Product Manager
I'd add that I'd like this to carry over when the roadmap is linked into a Confluence page. I figure if there's an auto archive tool, what is embedded in the Confluence page would only include the same info as what is presented in Jira, however when I try @alexleonov's suggestion above (ie. using the full link to the pre-filtered roadmap) I still get a preview in my confluence page that shows all of the old done epics. So I thought it worth mentioning.
Using the filter field to select all statuses but "done" does not work for me as it also filters the stories within an epic and I want to see them all when expanding a large feature.
I too am looking for a date when this will be ready. It is an issue in our Jira Cloud Next Gen Roadmap
Any idea when this will be ready?
We have this issue with our Jira Cloud Next Gen Roadmap.
I am seeing the same issue as Irena Lam. Filtering out Done Epics is only possible when all child tasks are also marked as done.
I've discovered this kind of by accident: when already in the roadmap view, you can filter by statuses (just below the word "Roadmap"), and then you can bookmark the URL so that the filter is 'on by default' - not very elegant, but does the job until the feature arrives.
When we do quarterly planning it would be really helpful if we could turn off the done epics. Or have a way of keeping filters always on by default.
It's really odd to me that even if the Epic is marked DONE, if there's even one task inside that's TO DO or IN PROGRESS the whole epic will still show in my roadmap view. I want to keep those tickets open (since I can't resolve anything for other reasons besides done besides just deleting which isn't ideal) but i don't want my roadmap view to get all clogged up.
Would love if this gets prioritized since it's been 6 months and so many people are asking for this.
Also, 14 days is odd...as a user I just want it to be hidden when I need it to be hidden, not a random number of days later.
Agreeing with everyone here, a way to archive epics on the roadmap feels essential for any long term projects. Hope to see some progress on this, thanks for the hard work Jira folks!
Piling on here: the inability to filter epics makes this feature unusable. It shouldn't be some arbitrary time limit before things disappear (I'm referring to the 14-day concept proposed as a solution which makes no sense). Instead, I want to simply be able to filter I can clearly see the Epics related to a specific focus. The Status filter is unsatisfying because it currently filters Stories, not Epics, so if an Epic has any Story with that status, the Epic still shows up.
Just enable filtering on Tags.
Just here to +1 this issue. This is a glaring oversight in the Roadmap feature that will make this frustrating to use in a matter of months. Concerned to see this "in progress" for so long as our team shifts to using a next-gen project.
Agree. Without the feature, roadmap is inevitably going veerrrrry lengthy that way as time goes by.
I've been using Jira less than a month and am finding that this is an absolute must. Only googling for a solution lead me to this issue. This was created on 03/Jun/2019 and one still hasn't been made available? All we want is the ability to filter out epics based on whether they are done or not, I would think this to be an easy implementation.
Wondering what the progress is on this. I too have a use case for being able to selectively show Epics in the Roadmap. A manager would like to track some but not all the Epics (only the highest level ones) and I can't do that since all Epics show up. Just some simple way to filter the Epics that get shown on the roadmap is very needed.
I agree with Fowler, this needs to be fast-tracked as it's a simple filtering option/change. Or at least allow the user to configure the roadmap view so that we can make the edits to the view ourselves
This issue has been "IN PROGRESS" since 29/Aug/2019 12:51 AM. What in the world is going on?
if we could have a simple toggle in each Epic to choose whether or not we want them to be shown in the roadmap, it could be great
Or an ability to set a filter query for the roadmap, which will achieve the same thing - then everyone's different needs might be addressed by them changing the query.
Or show label toggle like boards view, it enables me to set epic label "wip" and I can show the wip label only.
Sorry, this cannot help, it needs to label all epics, issues to show.
Understand you need to prioritise so I will just add myself to the upvoters for this feature.
Hi f80b53ecd246 f77f06d07c2c both are great ideas! I've shared your thoughts with my designer and they will be properly explored when this work is prioritised and back on track (in a few months). Thank you so much for sharing!
> Hello @ErikaSa, if we could have a simple toggle in each Epic to choose whether or not we want them to be shown in the roadmap, it could be great
Or an ability to set a filter query for the roadmap, which will achieve the same thing - then everyone's different needs might be addressed by them changing the query.
Hello @ErikaSa, if we could have a simple toggle in each Epic to choose whether or not we want them to be shown in the roadmap, it could be great
Hi everyone,
My deepest apologies for the delay in update. Unfortunately, this work is currently de-prioritised for the team to complete another project. We're hoping to get back on track around April but given its high demand, we are discussing a short term interim solution. I will come back with more updates on this soon.
In the meantime, please feel find some time with me here. I'd love to chat about your needs and whether the solutions we've explored will meet them.
Erika Sa
Atlassian Product Manager
- Automatically hiding epics doesn't seem to be a full-fix as some Epics might be idle because of blocking issues or a simple holiday. For example: we have clients who are inactive during the Christmass holidays, which is 2 weeks.
- I would like to be able to manually 'hide' any epic and reveal hidden epics as I would do with a filter.
This is fascinating. I think I may have made a terrible mistake by picking next-gen Jira - our roadmap looks like a passive-aggressive joke now that we've got half a year of completed projects before anything current shows up. But at least file uploads work now!
I would prefer we have control over if they are archived or not. We shouldn't need to wait for 14 days to go by. We should be able to bring them out of archived status as well. I believe adding the additional status of Archived is the only thing needed. Done would still be visible (to status in meetings, etc), Archived wouldn't.
I don't see this as just hiding "done" issues. Sometimes we have Epics that go on Hold and we don't want to work on them at this time but don't want to close them out either. It would be nice to have those not show as well. I like the idea of being able to set what the default view is based on the statuses you want. So for us we would want to see "in progress" and "to do". But we don't want to see "done" and "on hold". Like everyone else has said we want the ability to see all the different statuses if we want.
+1 this is a really annoying feature to filter out 'Done' epics.
I suppose some settings for roadmap view needed. Where you can set status filter by default.
+1 for @michaelasp proposed solution. It's a pain to use the Roadmap view and always needing to hide the Done epics to be able to see something properly.
Ben, will it be that they are removed when done, after 14 days or will the filter default be To Do and In Progress?. WIll the list of filter options change if we add statuses or will they be the standard To do and In Progress and Done classifications
My preferred fix for this would just be to set the default view to filter out "Done" epics (so it only shows "To do" and "In progress" epics. This seems like the quickest and simplest change that doesn't break or add to the UI in any way.
While it does distinguish between done and epics in progress/to do, if they stay there forever we would have an encyclopedia of epics - hard to focus on the ones that matter at the time.
@pkqk Also curious to know does the archiving filter after JQL features when referencing Jira tickets in confluence ?
Also on top of being able to set the filtering for the roadmap macro would be good to also allow filtering based on labels, so i can for example have a roadmap macro that shows me everything in progress with a certain label.
This helps for reporting purposes to the business.
I am with @pkqk , @Carlos Pereira @Ben Jackson, this is not about marking it as done or differentiate it with on progress / todo.
The point that @pkqk mention is definitely also my difficulties, the part that I cant use confluence macro properly is one of my main concern, since there is no way I would have the macro reflect very large table that doesnt necessarily reflect the current status of projects (i.e. it is a very large table that displays unuseful information (the done epics).
The other thing is also, it is also painful to keep on dragging newly created epic to the top, since it is buried down below because of those done epics.
We migrated our project to the next gen board, and the roadmap page is not very useful.
- You have to manually sort the Done epics to the bottom
- The filter selection isn't remembered
- The filter can't be linked to from the confluence embed
Having them hide after 14 days like issues on the board would be a huge improvement and consistent behaviour.
Not per se 14 days of inactivity, why's that part of the user story? Done is done. These are not issues, they're epics.
carlos.pereira the roadmap does visually distinguish between regular and done epics - They have the tick and turn grey.
If the Epic still appears on the list for 14 days after it has been Done—which I agree can be useful—it would be great to have some visual indication to make it obvious that it is Done and distinguish it from other open Epics. (on Next-gen boards it is obvious that an issue is done because it is in the Done column")
Hi everyone, thanks for the feedback. I am a PM at Atlassian and we are looking at this work right now. I'll keep you updated as we progress this.
Just in case there's a relationship, I filed this issue yesterday as well https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSWCLOUD-17997 Epics marked as "Done" are returning a status indicating they are not done when using the Jira REST API.
Hi bc0d89663f0c - the issue limit was not intended to be lifted as part of this feature. It exists to ensure a performant and reliable experience for all users. If you are using the roadmap on classic projects then you may want to read the following page about how to narrow down your board filters: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/troubleshoot-the-roadmap/#Board-filter-exceeds-issue-or-epic-limit
We have the following public suggestions about increasing the issue limits. If we have any public updates on raising these limits then we will make them here: