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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-8375

Jira Service Management cannot be reinstalled and times out after uninstalling


      Issue Summary

      After uninstalling Jira Service Management, the jira-email-processor-plugin is disabled, which causes any further reinstallation of Jira Service Management to fail due to dependency issues. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install a fresh instance of Jira Software 8.13.4 - 8.13.7
      2. Install Jira Service Management
      3. Uninstall Jira Service Management
      4. Reinstall Jira Service Management

      Expected Results

      Jira Service Management reinstalls successfully

      Actual Results

      Reinstallation will hang for approximately 5 minutes until a timeout occurs, where Jira Service Management will look like it is installed, but multiple plugins are not enabled and the application is nonfunctional:


      Workaround to reinstall JSM, without upgrading JSM:

      1. Uninstall JSM via Administration >> Applications >> Versions & licenses using the Uninstall button underneath the JSM application
      2. Stop Jira
      3. Run the following SQL query directly against the DB:

      DELETE FROM pluginstate WHERE pluginkey = 'com.atlassian.jira.jira-email-processor-plugin';

      4. Physically remove $JIRA_HOME/plugins/installed-plugins/jira-email-processor-plugin-x.xx.x.jar
      5. Start Jira
      6. Reinstall JSM

      Workaround to reinstall JSM with upgrade to a fixed version (no DB alteration or restart required):

      1. Uninstall existing JSM
      2. Install JSM in version 4.5.16+ (LTS), 4.13.8+ (LTS), 4.16.2+ or 4.18.0+ appropriate for your instance
      3. Uninstall JSM again
      4. Navigate to: Manage Apps -> All apps -> find jira-email-processor-plugin -> click Enable button
      5. Install JSM again

              bornatowski Bartosz Ornatowski
              kliou Kevin Liou
              1 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
