Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Service Management Data Center'
  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-8353

Not all SLAs are visible on the Customer Portal after request creation


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • 4.18.0
    • Customer Portal
    • None

      Issue Summary

      When a new request is created on the CP the page loads and sometimes shows fewer SLAs than configured. After I refresh (say 5-10s later) all the configured SLAs are visible.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. As a project admin configure several SLAs as viewable on the Customer Portal
      2. Log into the CP as a customer and raise a new request

      Expected Results

      • The CP displays the newly created request
      • All configured SLAs are displayed on the same page

      Actual Results

      Sometimes none, sometimes one, sometimes all (configured) SLAs are displayed.


      This is because SLAs are calculated async to issue creation, so upon issue creation there is a chance that not all SLAs have been calculated for the new issue when the response is about to be composed.


      Refresh the request page

            Unassigned Unassigned
            d451e9482136 Sam Nazha
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            1 Start watching this issue
